Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


'YOU GOT MY INNOCENT DAUGHTER PREGNANT? You lied about it?' Cheryl fumed. She was angry and quite truthfully, I couldn't blame her. I'd lied to her daughter, my girlfriend, throughout her pregnancy.

'I know and I'm sorry. I just thought she'd detest me, if she knew the truth,' I confessed, stroking Erica's head softly.

'I'm glad you stood forward and did it in an inadvertent way but I'm angry because her whole pregnancy was a lie. She thought she'd found a man. Not a boy,' she replied, pulling her youngest daughter closer. 'You're nothing but a boy.' She concluded, the lines in her forehead becoming more evident.

'I know. I'm sorry but I promise you, I'll be there for my children and that's with or without your permission. I love your daughter unconditionally and that won't change,' I claimed, knowing that every word was the truth. I adore Anna and feel the same for my girls.

'Honestly, I admire you. Not many boys would stand there and say just that to their girlfriends mum. I'm angry at you but I appreciate that my granddaughters need their daddy right now more than anything. Now go cuddle your girls,' she smiled sadly at me, nodding towards the small clear, plasticky cots where my girls lay.

'Thank you Cheryl. I'm appreciative I really am,' I smiled as I picked Erica up and held her in tight embrace, supporting her head. I stood over Chloe's cot and proudly looked over my newborns. Love filled me and instantly I know, I'd never look another human as much as I love these two angels.

'Mummy. Can I hold the baby now? Wait, why is there two?' Caitlin asked, confusion etched on her face. Although she was aware that her older sister and role model was having twins, she'd fallen asleep shortly before Erica arrived so hadn't seen or heard her mums and my little todo.

'Can she?' Cheryl asked, kissing her daughters head. I nodded, passing a sleeping Erica to her Aunt Caitlin. A smile graced Caitlin's pale face as she instantly fell in love with one of her newborn nieces, it was only when Erica's little shawl began to unravel that I remembered that maybe they'd be a bit warmer in some babygros. 'I'll go and get some babygros, you won't want to leave them,' Cheryl offered as if she'd read my mind.

'Thank you,' I smiled, watching over the sleeping Chloe, whose little snores reminded me of Anna's. 'You look so much like your mummy,' I murmured as I stroked her little rosebud lips and her button nose, that were practically identical to Anna's.

'Doesn't she,' Caitlin mumbled in response from her place on the hospital chair with Erica. 'They both do. Will Anna be okay?' Caitlin cried, one stray tear falling and landing on Erica's forehead.

'I hope so honey. I really do,' I replied, walking over to her and hugging whilst being careful due to Erica who lay on her lap. 'Shall we put Erica in the cot with Chloe now?' I asked, as Erica was beginning to squirm around and her bottom lip quivered, as though she was about to cry. Caitlin nodded as her mum returned, carrying a night-bag.

'I bought you some nightclothes as well as a change of clothes for tomorrow and three outfit changes for Chloe and Erica. I presumed you'd want to stay the night,' she smiled, placing the night-bag on the bed where Anna once lay.

'Thank you,' I replied, opening the bag and pulling two nappies out, some wipes and two babygros. 'Do you want to dress one of them?' I asked, handing over a lilac babygro.

'I'd love to,' Cheryl replied as she headed towards Erica, who was still lying in Caitlin's lap. As soon as Cheryl picked her up, her high pitched screams erupted. Who knew that such a small 4 pounds 5 baby could release such a huge wail.

'Cheryl,' a mans voice sounded from by the door. Just from looking at his face I could tell it was James, Anna's father. 'Where's Anna?' He asked, his face instantly softening at the sight of his newborn grandchildren. He had clearly arrived with the intent to remove his wife and daughter whether they obliged or not.

'She's really ill, James. She's in the intensive care unit. She's not even allowed visitors,' Cheryl frowned, clipping the last poppers on Erica's sleepsuit.

'Are these her brats?' A younger man asked as he appeared from behind James. I recognised him vaguely from school, Bradley - Anna's brother.

'Bradley! Don't. Your sisters seriously ill yet you're still holding mindless grudges. She's going to make a great mum when she wakes up,' Cheryl fumed as she placed Erica back in the cot and stalked towards the door, leaving Caitlin watching eagle-eyed from the side.

'She's a slut!' Bradley exclaimed, pushing past his parents, towards the babies. My paternal instincts kicked in, I'd always known of maternal instinct but in that moment I knew my duty was to protect my children. He edged closer and as I placed Erica in the cot, half poppered, next to Chloe, I stood over them, facing Bradley.

'You fucking dare edge any closer and I'll murder you,' I threatened, growling slightly in anger.

'I'd like to see you try, muppet boy,' Bradley hissed, stepping closer. I put one foot out, as a warning, still protecting my girls. He ignored my advance and edged closer still. 'Two little whore babies,' he hissed, spitting over my shoulder, on the girls.

'Bradley! They're your nieces. Whether you like Anna's decision to have the kids or not, don't spit on them. Please,' Cheryl begged, pulling him away. 'They've done nothing to deserve your hatred - neither has Anna. It was a mistake, for goodness sake,' she pleaded. James seemed to ignore Cheryl's pleas as he stood, gobsmacked, the other end of the cots, tears tracking his face which he sharply wiped away, as if ashamed to show emotion.

'Bradley, come and look at your nieces properly,' James begged - clearly seeing the error in his ways, as he stroked Chloe's forehead. Bradley refused, point blank. He was stubborn as a mule. 'Leave then. Let your mum and I help with our grandchildren and do us all a favour, get your head out of your fucking arse and put your family before your already god awful reputation,'
James snapped, pushing Bradley towards the door, which was where Dr Quinn stood, wide eyed.

'Should I get security?' She mouthed, looking me in the eye. I shook my head, hoping James had got the rather brutal message across to his arrogant junior. She remained standing there in silence, watching over as James walked Bradley to the door.

'If you decide you want to support your sister and us then give us a bell. If not, fuck off out of our lives and carry on living the egotistical lifestyle you're used to,' James concluded, slamming the hospital room door in his face.

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