Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


It's been two weeks since The Bluebell Woodlands association dinner and my stomach has become more and more swollen, at the beginning I could pass my bulging belly as a bloated stomach because I was on my period, but now, it's getting harder and harder to hide.

My alarm rang at eight am, the usual time, and Caitlin skipped into my room and clamped her hand firmly around my belly, which she's taken to since the night she found out.

"Caitlin, don't, what if mum walks in?" I whispered in a hushed tone. Reluctantly, she tore her hand away and left me to get ready. Pulling my Daisy print shorts on, I ran my hands through my curls and adjusted my top, so my bump wasn't on display that much. "Caitlin," I called, intending on asking her to comment on how noticeable my bump was.

"Coming," she replied. I heard her footsteps pound lightly on the stairs.

"Never mind, I'll go," mum called. I froze. My eyes grazed the soft, cashmere fabric of my nude cardigan and I quickly pulled it on and wrapped it around my belly with my arms. "You okay hun?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," I coughed. She didn't notice my suspicious stance, not that she normally would.

"You sure? You look a bit peaky chick," she stroked my cheek affectionately. I shrugged her off.

"I'm fine," I breathed. "I have something to say," I finished nervously. "It's important, dad too," I added. She looked shocked and followed me downstairs.

"You okay hunny? You look awfully pale," dad commented, looking over the top of his newspaper.

"I'm fine, honestly, anyway, I have something to say," I announced, twiddling my thumbs - it's my nervous disposition.

"What's up?" Davey asked, trust him to be around.

"Doesn't matter, well it does, but I need everyone to be here, Caitlin and Bradley too," I ordered, sitting on the edge of a poof.

"Caitlin! Bradley!" dad yelled and both of them came running down the stairs. Being the clumsy person he is, Bradley plummeted to the ground and caused Caitlin to trip over him.

"You ready?" Caitlin asked reassuringly and I nodded.

"As ready as I'm ever gonna be," I murmured forlornly to myself. "Anyway, mum you gotta promise not to get angry, and, dad you gotta promise to keep calm," I requested. If they didn't do that I had no chance, no chance at all of having this baby.

"Of course chick, what is it?" mum questioned curiously.

"Uhm... I don't know how to say this... I'm... uh... um... I'm...," I stuttered. I was awaiting the response of both parents, and my 15 year old brother.

"You what? You... fucking... what?" Bradley fumed. My father was sat there dumbstruck whilst my mothers face contorted between disappointment and anger.

"I'm pregnant," I murmured regretfully. Although it wasn't my fault, well it might be, I still held a large amount of regret inside.

"Who... Whose the father?" dad asked.

"Um... Well... That's the problem... I... I..." I trailed off nervously.

"You don't know, do you?" mum asked softly.

"No... I don't... not for that reason though," I replied, pausing for breath. Bradley's face was growing redder and redder, until it was bright red. He stood up. As he approached me, my instinct was to step back. His hand approached my face. A sound echoed throughout the house, a 'slap' sound. My face started stinging. He'd slapped me.

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