Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I watched as Anna passed in and out of consciousness and I swear my heart broke at every tube that they attached to her body.

'I know you guys love her but we gotta her the twins out of her and since she's incapable of doing it naturally right now we're going to have to intervene. Please step outside,' Dr Quinn ordered as she opened the door for us to leave. I didn't want to but I knew I had to. Anna's mum looked reluctant to do so but obliged as she knew it was best for her daughter. I watched through the door as they pulled my daughter out with metal tongs which looked like those used at a barbecue, Anna's mum informed me they were called forceps. The first bittersweet cry emerged and a tear ran down my face, out of pride and upset. I wanted her to be able to see her babies but instead here she was, unconscious with tubes coming out everywhere.

'My baby,' Anna's mum sobbed into Caitlin's shoulder as I stood dumbfounded, not fully understanding what had happened.

'Grandma, you may come and hold your baby granddaughter,' Dr Quinn smiled as she held the baby out. Caitlin pushed her mum forward towards Chloe Reign. I knew, however much I wanted to hold my baby tight, that this was what was needed. As Chloe was passed to her grandma, they wheeled Anna away, towards the operating theatre. Chloe let out little whimpers as she relaxed into the arms of her grandmother.

'Quickly, before she gets comfy, let me weigh her and we'll get her dressed,' the midwife, whose name tag said Sammi, grinned, taking Chloe and placing her on the scales. 'Good healthy weight for a premie,' Sammi grinned as she wrapped Chloe in a small pink shawl. 'She weighs five pounds six,' she told us, as she placed Chloe back into her grandmothers arms.

'My grandbaby,' Cheryl whispered as she kissed Chloe's head.

'She looks beautiful, like her mummy,' I smiled as I stroked my little ones head. Cheryl smiled up at me as she stroked her head softly. Cheryl handed her over to me as we all crowded in the hospital room, waiting for Anna's return.

'Mummy,' Caitlin whispered as she peered her head around the door. She was desperate to hold her newborn niece. 'Can I hold the baby?' She asked as she ventured inside the room.

'Baby, Chloe has to go back in her bed soon because she's only a few minutes old. How about you let baby Chloe get some sleep and you hold her later,' Cheryl bargained as she placed Chloe Reign in her cot. Caitlin frowned, as she wrapped her arms around her chest and looked as if she was about to cry.

'Caitlin, honey, if you start crying or stomping around you'll wake the baby up! You don't want to do that do you,' I bargained as I bent down to her level. Her face dropped as she realised what would happen.

'Thank you! I don't know what I would've done if she'd have started,' Cheryl exclaimed as she sat down. 'Just waiting on Erica now,' she continued, clearly on edge about the situation at hand.

'Erica and Chloe will both be fine, I have every faith. I'm so worried about Anna though, she looked so fragile out there, she'll pull through, right?' I asked the air as well as Cheryl. My main concern was making sure the babies were okay but also that they had a mummy to bring them up with me.

'Anna has and always will be a trouper. She'll make it. She wouldn't leave her children. She adored them and she's not met them yet,' she soothed, pulling me into a hug. I muffled a short response before the door opened.

'Your other daughter has been born, unfortunately the unbiblical cord was around her neck, limiting blood supply to the brain. However, we untangled it and she's now as healthy as a premie could be, in her position. Would you like to see her?' Dr Quinn asked as she checked on Chloe. She clearly saw I had another question on my lips. 'Anna is in critical condition in the ICU, she's not allowed visitors yet but the recus team are on hand for emergency,' she explained and my heart dropped.

'Recus meaning resuscitation?' I asked, instantly fearing the worst.

'Indeed. Luckily, her stats are all looking good and she's doing better, even though she's still unconscious. We're searching for the core route of the issue,' she went on to explain in as simple terms as we may understand. I was devastated. My beautiful, beautiful girlfriend was in critical condition and I can't even see her.

'When can I see her and Erica?' I asked, desperate to see one if not the both.

'You'll be able to see Erica very soon, the midwife will bring her down after her vitals have been checked,' she said. As she finished her sentence, a midwife, who I'd not seen before, pushed Erica Belle in her incubator, into the room. 'If you want, you can lie Chloe in the same cot, as neither has vital problems, other than being slightly small,' she finished.

'Can I have a cuddle with my baby first?' I asked, praying that Cheryl hadn't heard the slip of the tongue. Dr Quinn nodded and quietly left.

'Your baby?' Cheryl whispered. Shit. She'd heard.

'Slip of the tongue. Yknow, they're my children biologically or not,' I covered my lie, hopefully smoothly. Cheryl looked unconvinced.

'What sixteen year old boy stands up for a pregnant teenager and is willing to be the dad?' Cheryl questioned, my heart was in my mouth.

'Well.. uh. That night, it was me. I was the one night stand, and they're my babies.'

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