Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


**two months later**

Matthew and I lay in bed together, his arm wrapped loosely around my growing bump. Our girls were growing fantastically inside my little house, and we were both so excited to meet them. I was nearing seven months now, and boy was I suffering. My feet could barely fit in pumps, so my beloved converse had to be put to the back of our wardrobe.

'Babe, pass me my phone,' I asked Matthew nicely as I tucked my head into his arm slightly. My phone had been ringing, but I was too comfortable to move. 'It was mum,' I smiled sadly as I checked it. My mum had been as good as she could be, throughout my pregnancy - purely because my brother was totally unsupportive and had taken to making vile comments to me around School, to which my father had agreed. So here i was, seven months pregnant and living in a flat, which, fortunately, my mum had paid for, with next to no income.

'What did she want?' He asked gruffly as he stretched.

' She just said how much she's looking forward to meeting me for coffee later,' I yawned. It was the summer holidays now, well it was for me as I'd been advised to relax thoroughly as my blood pressure was high and could affect the babies. Matthew was still going to school, grabbing my work which I was doing and handing in via email or Matthew. 'Babe, it's like eight. You really should be getting up,' I smiled as I nudged him slightly. He groaned as he sat up, clearly unwilling to entirely leave the comfort of our bed.  Well my bed, but Matthew decided it was better to stay here five nights out of seven to ensure I was relaxing. The other two nights, Friday and Saturday, Caitlin stayed round and we had girly nights.

'Would you like a drink sweetheart?' He asked as he wandered around the room, shaking his sweet little ass. I shook my head as I got up and headed towards the bathroom. I was meeting my mum for a coffee at ten, but considering I couldn't drive I was relying heavily on public transport, so had to leave at nine. I showered and pulled on a sweet maternity dress, in a peachy colour, which complimented my skin nicely. My hair was left down, framing my slightly fuller face, which I left bare and applied a tiny amount of lipgloss. 'Baby, you look damn hot. You'll definitely be a MILF,' Matt laughed as his jaw dropped. His reaction was always the same, and nearly five months down the line it still warmed my heart.

'Well I only want one man and he's stood right there in fron'na me,' I smirked as I pulled him closer. I love the feeling of being enveloped in his strong, tanned arms.

'Zac Efron?' He joked, eyeing the poster that lay crumpled on the floor. What can I say, I have a soft spot for Mr Efron.

'Hmm definitely,' I moaned, feigning orgasm as I waited for his reaction.

'Well if you want Efron I guess you won't want me,' he replied, turning away from me. I felt bad, instantly. I didn't want to upset my darling boy.

' I want you, Matty, you're the only person I ever want, other than our two little princesses!' I whispered, as I reached up to kiss his neck, but due to the height difference, my lips ended up kissing a little below his shoulder blades.

'I know darling, now c'mere,' he hugged me close as he kissed my forehead. 'Don't you think we need names for our princesses?' He smiled as he rubbed my bump.

'I'd like Caitlin as a middle name - for my sister, yknow,' I suggested knowing he's agree, just to keep me happy.

'How about Reign Caitlin,' he suggested and I knew, in my gut, that I wanted to name one of them Reign, or for at least Reign to be incorporated into the name.'  We could have two R names, Remi, Rayle, railway,' he joked on the last one and I laughed.

'I think I want to entirely seperate names - they're different people you get me,' I asked as I caressed my bump. 'I like Reign - definitely a thumbs up!' I grinned, excitedly upon having decided on one name. 'I really like Romana, maybe as a middle name?' I suggested, maybe we could reverse the order of the initials.

'Chloe Romana?' Matthew suggested and I smiled slightly. I love the name Chloe.

'Chloe Reign,' I smiled upon having decided on the name. At least one of our twins has a name.

'I love it. I love our babies. I love you,' Matthew replied as he pulled his blazer on. 'I really have to go darling, I'll see you later,' he kissed me as he grabbed his bag and left. As he left, I grabbed a white jacket to keep my bare arms warm and my bag and followed him out.

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