Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"HELP!" Matthew and I both yelled at the top of our voices, our hands still entwined. We were desperate to escape, my slight claustrophobia was kicking in and Matthew was becoming increasingly nervous at the thought of being trapped for much longer.

"Shit! There's someone in there, wait, two people!" the obnoxiously loud, high-pitched voice of Mackenzie Grace Shields squealed and the whole corridor fell silent. Matthew froze as he heard the voice of his Queen Bee, bitch of an ex girlfriend - they only dated briefly but she exaggerates everything and acts as if they were married or some shit.

"ROXANNA! Go and grab Matteuse. David, babe, go and get Trevor. Lolli, get Richards for us," Mackenzie ordered loudly. Roxanna is one third of her posse, Lolli (Laura) being the second and herself completing the threesome. Both of us could hear the clip-clop of Rox's heels and the flip-flop of Lolli's flip-flops.

"We're being saved babe," Matty mumbled, kissing my neck and rubbing my belly.  I could feel his heart beating slightly on my back, he was clearly nervous about the embarrassment to come when Mackenzie finds out whose actually trapped in the out of order toilet.

"Matthew Davis, is that you?" Mackenzie screeched. We're screwed. Matthew was her ex, her current flings, David, best friend. Shit was about to go down. She'd obviously heard his whisper through the door, her hearing was clearly excellent but it's no surprise really, she's got ATL's of 1 all across the board and is achieving no lower than a B in all ten GCSE subjects.

"No! It's just me," I yelled, grabbing the attention, giving Matthew time to hide. Of course, Matty being Matty, couldn't hide without making a loud clatter. I looked around and he was crouched down behind the toilet, in full view of everyone. I guess the truth is, in a toilet there's not many places to hide, and the toilet was a better hiding place than crouching behind the door, which was my first thought.

'I'll text you it babe' I mouthed as to not allow the eavesdropping members of the school to overhear.

Babe, we can see you. Hide better. Somewhere better than behind the toilet. A xx

He flushed bright red and laughed slightly.

Yeah. I always have been pretty shit at hiding xD M xx

I left the tiny room and made my way to my next lesson, still complete with my newfound boyfriend and baby.

Matthews an angel for standing up to be a dad to a kid that's not his. Not many grown men would do that, never mind a sixteen year old with no life experience.

Anna, meet me outside at 3pm. Ice cream? Mx

He was such a sweetheart and I had to agree, anything to avoid going home, not that I could. Not after Bradley's outburst. Or dads response to the fact he's becoming a grandfather.

Ok. See you later. Ax

As three o'clock arrived, I headed outside, and there he stood, by the gates, with a beaming smile on his already handsome face.

'Anna,' he grinned as he ambled to meet me. I nodded in reply as I wrapped my coat tighter around me. The wind was biting, at my face as we walked towards the bus stop. 'You look cold, do you want my scarf to keep your neck warm?' He offered. Laughing, I shook my head as confusion passed his face. 'What?' He asked.

' I'm laughing at how you made a normally cliché statement slightly less cliché,' I laughed. He still looked confused.

'Huh,' he paused, waiting for my reply and I just shook my head. I didn't have the energy to explain.

My belly rumbling interrupted the silence as the bus pulled up at the town centre stop.

'Hungry,' Matthew laughed as he took my hand and lead me towards the parlour.

'Very. Little Ray is obviously starving,' I laughed, rubbing my tiny bloat softly.

'We better get little bean fed then,' he replied making up a nickname for my baby. Although he said he'd step up, Im still not entirely convinced. He seemed genuine but what sixteen year old voluntarily wants a kid?

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