Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


'Anna, darling,' my mum greeted as she grabbed a seat in the local Starbucks. 'You're glowing! How's my grandbaby?' She continued, smiling down at my growing bump. I cradled it slightly, aware of the stares from around us.

'Mum, it's grand babies, I'm having twins!' I replied and her face was a picture. I wanted to remember her face, she was ecstatic. Not one grandchild but two. She'd be an amazing grandmother, I know she'll idolise the little princesses as soon as they grace us with their awaited presence.

'Twins?' She gasped, tears clearly brimming in her waterline. She wiped her tears away, clearly not wanting to smudge her mascara.

'Twins.' I concluded, taking my drink from the counter. 'We've decided on a name,' I finished, taking a sip and basking in the delicious taste.

'Name?' Mum questioned, sipping her latte. 'Tell me!'

'Chloe Reign,' I smiled, stroking my bump. Just saying her name made me smile. I hadn't met her but I could tell that I'd love Chloe and baby two more than life itself. More than anything in the world, I adored them already and they hadn't taken their first breath.

'My grand baby, Chloe Reign. Chloe. Chlo. My beautiful granddaughter, I can't wait to hold you in my arms like I did with your mum sixteen years ago,' she spoke to my bump, her arms wrapping around and hugging the girls. 'Your momma is gonna love you unconditionally. I'm gonna love you unconditionally. I'm so excited to meet you,' she started to cry, whilst clapping her hands excitedly. Mixture of emotions clearly. She looked a tad like a seal, clapping her hands whilst smiling and bouncing up and down - the chairs springs buckling slightly - but I couldn't Reign on her parade.

'I want you to be in their life,' I whispered, understanding that it may not be possible considering the circumstances with Bradley and my father.

'I want that too. I want to help you with new motherhood and babysit whilst you sleep. Bradley's going off to university, Oxford baby, he can't really manipulate your dads thoughts anymore. I know that's it, your dad loves you and the youngsters,' Mum smiled sadly. 'I'll be there. Even if I have to do it in secret, taking Caitlin to practise or Davey to nursery - I'll find an excuse

'I want you in their life. I want you in my life. I want you to hold me and help me through. This is tough and the only person I want is my mum. And you to hold my hand during labour and I want you to hold your newborn granddaughters in your arms. I know Brad is tough, he's trying to be a hard man but he's not. He can't stop you from doing anything, he's your son, but I know what he's like and I know dad hangs on his every word and I know you idolise dad. I understand if you can't do it. Honestly, it's heartbreaking but I do understand,' I sobbed over my hot chocolate. She meant over and hugged me close, whispering reassuring words into my ears.

'I will. I'll fight back for you baby girl, I'll help you through. I'll go furniture shopping, baby cloth shopping, pram shopping and I'll pay for the lot. Fuck your dad,' I smirked at her accidental innuendo, 'fuck your brother,' again, I smirked. 'I'm gonna help you through it. It's the time in your life when you need your mum, it may be earlier than we expected, or planned, but I adore you and I love my grandchildren. I'm gonna be here for you,' she promised, placing one soft hand on my leg, ruffling my dress slightly.

'Let's stop the emotional shit, I'm so glad you're happy to be here with me through it. Shall we go shopping?' I asked, knowing my mums weakness was shopping.

'Yes! Yes! Let's go! Baby Gap?' She questioned, downing the last of her latte. I nodded, adoring the latest trends in GAP. I took my hot chocolate and sipped at the dregs. We'd paid the bill previously, so we left and headed towards the precinct. Matthew and I had done next to no shopping for the babies, due to lack of funding on my behalf. I'd got savings which I was ready to spend on necessities.

We walked past Mothercare and saw the most beautiful pram. It was grey and had two cot areas, both faced the handle, which I wanted. I wanted to be able to see my babies beautiful, innocent faces. It was from the brand Wave, but unfortunately the price was a little out of my price range at £2,115.00.

'It's beautiful,' mum smiled, seeing where my gaze lay. 'Honey, I know it's a lot but it includes the car seats, it transfers into a pushchair when they get old enough, has a cover, two carrycots, the liner and other stuff. It's all in one. No need to buy alternatives,' Mum persuaded. It was the truth. The pram package had everything you should ever need. I had one and a half grand saved up, hoping it would be enough for clothes and nappies and everything. Having children's expensive.

'It's stunning. I love it but I can't afford it,' I frowned, rubbing my forehead anxiously.

'I'm paying. I have savings from my mums inheritance that your dad knew nothing about - she'd want me to spend it on my grandchildren and helping her granddaughter out in times of crisis,' Mum decided as we entered the shop. The shop was like a haven to all things beautiful. I picked up two sets of pink babygros and dropped them in my basket. Mum grabbed some pink dresses and dropped them in her basket.

Within half an hour both baskets were full, mine of necessities - babygros, breast pumps, bottles, whereas my mums was full of cute dresses and outfits which she adored. I spotted a pair of embroidered dungarees from across the shop and knew I had to grab two pairs, and a few little tops to go underneath. By the dungarees lay some baby Timbs and I fell in love with them. I'd decided against my dream pram, for a cheaper model from eBay, so could afford a pair of baby Timbs for Chloe Reign and her twin.

'Mum, I'm going to the till,' I told her as I joined the queue. She was still shopping and refused to let me see anything in her basket in full detail. She nodded in response as she continued gazing around and throwing things in her basket. Knowing mum, she'd grabbed things in multiple sizes up to eight months. The total for my basket was two hundred pounds. Not bad for a full basket. I grabbed the bags and hauled them towards my mum.

'How much was that, sweet?' Mum asked, concerned for my lack of income.

'It doesn't matter. I have savings,' I smiled, loving the feeling of my babies kicking and playing around in my womb.

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