Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


'Babe, it really hurts,' I cried as I dug my hips unto the hospital bed, just four hours after we had collected a few of the bits for the pram. The pain had been premature labour and although the thought of giving birth to my babies prematurely was terrifying, beyond terrifying even. I was excited to meet them both, even if one was still without a name. Matthew rubbed my hand softly as he sat next to me. The contractions were still roughly five minutes apart, but due to my age and the high risk part of the pregnancy, I'd been sent to a side room where they could keep a watch on me.

'Honey I know. I know it hurts. Let's take your mind off it, hey. Shall we think of a name for Chloe's sister?' He asked, knowing that it was the right time to think of a name considering our daughters could arrive in just a few short hours, depending how the labour develops. 'We have Chloe Reign,  how about a similar sounding name?' I frowned through the intense contraction. 'Totally different?' He concluded, knowing from my face that I was unsure.

'I... like...' I panted, the contractions were definitely worse, and closer together. 'Dana,' I finished, as my contraction eased. 'Chloe and Dana,' I said, to test out the names. They didn't ring. 'Or Isabelle. Isabelle Dana,' I smiled, upon deciding on a name for our other child. However triumphant I may have been, Matt wasn't convinced.

'I prefer Erica if I'm honest,' he frowned. 'Chloe Reign and Erica Belle,' he smiled. He clearly loved that name, and my grandmas name was Erica.

'I didn't think of Erica,' I frowned, in confusion. I really liked Isabelle Dana but Erica Belle suited Chloe Reign perfectly and had a ring to it. 'I think the thinking is over. Chloe and Erica it is,' I grinned, I was finally content with the name choices. Matthew smiled and held my hand as yet another contraction hit, just two and a half minutes after the previous.

'After this contraction, I'll go and ring your mum okay?' He asked, knowing what the answer would be. I wanted my mum here. I nodded, unable to speak through the pain. 'You can do it darling,' he coached, slowly doing the breathing exercises I was encouraged to do.

'You,' I paused, struggling to talk. 'Look... like,' I paused again, determined to finish my sentence. 'A right tw-twat,' I laughed at the end as my contraction ceased.

'You are supposed to love me,' he frowned, pretending to take offence.

'I do, but right now I'm in so much fucking pain,' I seethed, the pain doubling.

'Anna, I'm Dr Quinn, I'm here to check your dilation,' the female doctor smiled, I awkwardly smiled. 'If you'd like to lie on your back,' she ordered, spreading my legs wide. 'I'm afraid you're only 4 centimetres dilated,' she frowned, clearly expecting me to be more dilated than I was.

'Ok,' I frowned, rubbing my bump as in willing the girls to make an appearance.

'I'll check back with you in an hour, if you get the urge to push beforehand, press the button,' she instructed, pointing out the red button resting on the table.

'Okay,' I replied, yawning slightly. This labour malarkey takes it out of you.

'Try and get some sleep,' she advised, pressing the bed to go down before leaving the room. I rolled back onto my side, my preferred sleeping position, and smiled at Matt.

'I'm gonna go ring your mum and Caitlin,' he promised, kissing my hand before leaving. Caitlin had begged to be present, and although I was only allowed two birthing partners, my mum and Matt, Caitlin was allowed to sit outside and wait, much to her dismay. I wrapped my arms safely around my bump and tucked my legs up as close to my chest as I could, with a huge bump in the way. I tried to sleep but I couldn't help overhearing Matthews conversation. He spoke so fondly of me, and it warmed my heart knowing how he was willing to step over broken glass for me and the girls.

Within a few hours the pain had elevated to extreme levels, and I was eight centimetres dilated. I couldn't move for pain, in my back, my legs and primarily, my bump. However much pain filled my body, I was still determined to do it drug free and the doctor had advised it, as they didn't know how much the drug would effect me due to my age and allergies. Matthew squeezed on the hospital bed and embraced me, caressing my bump.

'I love you,' he whispered as he strokes my messy, knotted hair that resembled a birds nest at this moment.

'I love you too,' I smiled, treasuring the final moments of just being the two of us.

'Anna! Hello! Let's see how far along you are now,' Dr Quinn smiled, as I pushed Matty off the bed. I opened my legs, I was used to it now (or as used to it as I was going to be.) 'Ooh! Nine point five sweet! You're going to be a mommy very soon,' she grinned in her Canadian accent. Matthew grinned excitedly from the chair as my mum walked in. They'd decided during their phone call that he would text when I was seven centimetres to save the two of them having to wait for ages. 'Mummy,' I cried as contractions hit. She hugged me tight as I cried. It hurt so bad and all I wanted was my mum.

'You're nine gone baby, it'll be over soon! Then you'll have Chloe Reign and -' she paused, not knowing the other name.

'Erica Belle,' Matthew finished with a smile.

'Erica Belle in your arms,' mum finished as Caitlin rushed in to hug me.

'Annie!' She exclaimed as she hugged me tight. 'I'm going to be an aunt,' she smirked proudly, clearly brimming with excitement yet trying to contain herself. As her grip tightened, I winced, the pressure in my back was rising.

'Caitlin! I know you love Anna but for goodness sake, go and wait outside,' Mum ordered, practically pushing her daughter out of the door. Caitlin pouted and nodded as she let the door shut behind her.

The contractions were now just thirty seconds apart. It was pure agony. I was screaming as the urge to push heightened.

'GET,' I screamed, unable to finish my sentence for the pain. Luckily Matthew understood and pressed the red button, as my hands balled the stiff, once pristine, white sheets in pain. With seconds, Dr Quinn was present and midwives were hanging around armed with warm towels and a wet flannel for my already dripping forehead.

'Anna,' Dr Quinn started as I pushed my bum into the bed, my natural instincts kicking in. 'Good! Now carry on,' she praised as I carried on pushing. She ducked her head slightly to see whether one of the girls heads were crowning.

'You're doing so good baby girl,' my mum praised, holding my own hand tight in hers. The sheets were getting a break from being screwed up, as one hand was tight in Matt's and the other in my mums. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Caitlin watching through the small rectangular window in the door. She looked horrified.

'Baby one is crowning, one more push and we'll have the head,' I pushed once more as advised, and suddenly the feeling of faintness and light headed came over me. 'She's falling!' Dr Quinn yelled. Doctors mulled around me.

My hearing went, as did my sight. I felt like I was drowning. The only sound I could hear was the beating of my frantic heart in my chest. Soon even that faded. The last thoughts that ran through my head was my babies.

'Look after them,' I whispered as I fell into an abyss of darkness.

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