Chapter 6: Trust

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Andy is right in the corner of the gym. All I have to do is role my wheelchair right over there.

"Hey Andy" I said

" Georgia what happened to you?" Andy cluelessly said

"It's a long story but it doesn't matter look, I need to ask you something and you have to be totally honest with me".

"Okay? What's up?"

" Did you steal something from my mother by any chance?"

" What do you mean?"

"Mother claims you stole something from her and she wouldn't tell me what"

"Um... ah ... You see the thing is that... Um" he kept talking very nervously.

"Did you?"

" Okay so here's the thing I needed money so I..." I interrupted him

" Oh my god so you did steal from her"

"All I stole was and old book she had it was no big deal"

" No big deal? Did you know that if you haven't stolen from her I wouldn't be in this cast right know?" I said very furiously

"Hey what's going on here" Coach Robinson came up to us when he heard me shouting.

" Its nothing coach" I said

" Thompson go do some laps and you Georgia go back to the bench now"

I rolled my wheelchair back to the bench. I sat there through the whole class. Why would Andy even need the money? What book?

"Can I sign your cast?" said Valerie

"Sure why not "

"Hey wasn't Michael taking care of you? Where is he ?"

"He was but he's taking chemistry now, Why are you so curious all over sudden ?"

" I don't know um... " she started to talk nervously and was blushing

Pearl came up to us and sat with us

"Hey Georgia are you okay?" Pearl said, very concerned about my leg

"I'm fine, I guess" I said wishing people would stop asking me that.

" hey Valerie, can I have that pen?So I could also sign her cast"

"Sure" Valerie said

While she was signing my cast she asked Valerie:

"Hey Valerie, have you told Michael yet?"

"Told him what?" Valerie said

" That you like him" Pearl said in a childish voice

"What the hell Pearl? I told you that in confidence" Valerie said furiously

"Wait, you like Michael?" I said trying not to smile so happily

"Yes, but please please please, don't tell him, I want to be the one to tell him" Valerie said

"Ok, I promise" I said

I really did want to tell her that Michael liked her too, but I wouldn't want to betray Michael's trust. I'm certain that I won't tell Michael either that she likes him, because then I would be betraying her trust.

" Pearl would you stop telling people that" Valerie said

" Which people have she told that secret to?" I said

"She told my mom, she told the teacher, she even told the janitor "

"Well I'm sorry if I get to excited and tell some people" Pearl said

When school was over Michael took me and Stella back home. My sister went to play with her doll Susie. I went to my room, thinking about what importance my mother had to that book Andy stole.

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