Chapter 13: Turn around

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It was very cold at night and Michael left the windows of his car open. His car's aircondition didn't work anymore. At that moment I was ready to say goodbye.
" Goodbye school"
"Goodbye house"
"Goodbye neighbors
I had forgotten one little detail. But more like a little someone. I was so focused on getting out of here that I forgot her. I forgot Stella. I forgot my sister.

"Michael turn the car around I forgot about Stella" I shouted out.

"We can't go back were almost through the town exit" he replied." If we go back it will be too late and the cops are gonna block all the exits"

"I don't care we'll find another way to get out but I'm not leaving without her"

Michael turned the car around and headed straight back to Jetidoa.

"Well that's just great! Got a plan genius ?" Andy said referring to me in a sarcastic way.

"Oh shut up Andy! You would have done the same if you were in my shoes" I said to him."Besides I'll just get Stella out of the house, I'll be in and out of the house before you know it".

We arrived at the front of the house. I quickly ran inside to search for her. I know its stupid to go back and put myself at risk, but my sister needed me. I opened the door to her room very quietly so no one would hear me. She was sitting in her bed holding her doll against her arms. She looked like she was starring into space like as if something had paralyzed her. She turned her head and saw me at her door.

"Stella come on we need to go" I whispered.

"Georgia" she said with excitement.

"Hurry lets go"I whispered again.

"But the lady says I can't leave" she replied.

"What lady?"

"I think she means me darling" a voice came tunneling through the room suddenly.

Out of the shadows appeared a familiar face. It was the witch. She had that malicious smile on her face that  was implanted in my head since the moment I first laid my eyes on her.

"Let her go" I said

"I'm afraid I can't do that"

"Why not?" I stupidly asked

"You see, she is the key to something powerful, something much dangerous than anything else"

" What?"

" Well it was born in this world with very strong magic, it once was lost but know i think have found it" she said still holding my sister across her arms.

"What do you want from her?"

"Oh sweetie, its not what I want from her, it's what I want from you. You see she was the key to finding you and bringing you back here"

"Just leave us alone we have nothing you want"

"Oh just opposite dear, you have so much more and can do so much more".

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you ..."

"Well lets not spoil the surprise know shall we".

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