Chapter 9: I'm not crazy

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Michael came down stairs and saw me and Valerie.

"What happened Georgia?" He asked

"I need to talk to you, actually both of you" I said

"What's wrong?" asked Valerie

"I know I may sound crazy, but my mother hired a witch that will erase my memories and kill you all" I could sense that they obiously thought I was crazy.

"I'm sorry but are you taking some type of medication or something?" asked Michael

"I'm not crazy, please you have to believe me" I said in total desperation.

"Sweetie, I think you should rest, maybe your taking the breakup way too hard that it's messing with your head." Valerie said.

"Wait, how do you know about that?" I said but then I looked at Michael because he was the only one who knew I then said "Michael? How could you"

"Georgia please I didn't mean to..." said Michael but I then stormed off without saying another word.

I walked then stopped at Beige Street. I looked up and saw my mother and the witch. Luckily they didn't see me and I went to hide behind a tree. As they were walking I heard them talking.

"I can't believe you let her find out, now I'm gonna have to put up missing fliers, It's all your fault !!!" My mother screamed at the witch.

"Whatch your mouth or I'll have it cut off and hanged on my wall" said the witch in a threatning voice

"Were gonna have to go with plan B"

They walked away and that was all I heard and I couldn't find out what in the world they ment by plan B. How did my mother found out that I knew what they were gonna do to me. Mother is going all out to try and hurt me and my friends. But why? What did I ever do to her that would make her do this crazy stuff.

I went inside the store to get some food and stuff I'll need with the little money I have since I won't be coming back home. I walked up to the cashier to pay for my stuff. But then I saw on the television "The mayor's child ran away please contact the police if she is found or call the number on the screen". I quietly left without anybody recognizing me.

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