Chapter 15: The truth is revealed

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"We could get on a train out of here" I said.

" But what if there are policemen there?" Michael said.

"We could disguise ourselves" I responded. " Pearl do you still have those wigs you made us wear for that cosplay last year?".

" Yeah why?" Pearl asked.

" Andy, do you know a guy that can make us fake Id's ?" I asked.

" Ofcourse " Andy answered.

We went to Pearl's house to get the wigs. We all wore different colored wigs and made ourselves look a little bit different with the help of Valerie's make-up skills. Andy got the fake Id's about 30 minutes later.

" What now?" asked Michael.

" We head off to the train station" I answered.

" Are you sure this is gonna work? I look stupid " Andy said.

" Calm down this is gonna work"

We got in Michael's car and left to the train station. Once we got there the place was surrounded by policemen. We managed to get in without anybody being suspicious. We sat on one of the benches while we waited for the train to arrive.

" Are we really doing this?" asked Valerie.

" I guess so" answered Michael.

"Michael?" I said.

"Yes" he said.

" Promise me that if anything happens you'll protect my sister" I told him.

" Don't say stuff like that, everything is going to be fine. All we have to do is get on that train and we're safe" He said.

" I just feel like we're not safe yet" I said.

Suddenly sirens started going of and the room was filled one by one by policemen.


We had no choice but to do as we were told. But suddenly nobody could move and it was almost as if time stopped. Yet I could move easily.

" Well, well, well  I thought you might be here dear".

The witch suddenly appears out of nowhere. I look around to see if anybody could move yet. Everyone was still frozen still.

" You can't deny who you are any longer"

"I can and I will " I said. " Why am I so interesting to you? Aren't there other witches you can bother?"

" Well, you are far more important than you think "

" How important that you have to do this. Were'nt you just here to help my mother destroy my life? Aren't you just a minion in her little plan?"

" Actually, she is just a minion in my plan. She really doesn't know what it means to have real power"

" Plan? What plan?"

Black mist started to surround her suddenly. Strong wind started to blow inside the train station. She started to float upwards. Once it was all over she revealed her trueform. Not a monster or anything but she looked younger, almost about the age of my mother.

" What? Am I supposed to feel intimidated by you or something?" I told her.

" Young one, your mother is a selfish, and cruel person wouldn't you want to get her back for all the awful things she has done?"

" She is only the worst mother ever, but I'm not like her"

" Could you maybe stop and look at yourself ? You are meant for evil, you are meant to possess power and so much more"



" What?"

" You are not meant for this life. You were taken away from me when I was sentenced to life in prison back at planet Yeftasco by the Yeftascians".

" What? Yeftascians? This is not true. You are lying".

" Deep down you know I'm right because how else would you have these powers".

" Maybe I'm in a coma and I just haven't woken up yet. That's all "


" But..."

" Come with me and together, we could rule and you may never have to feel anything other than satisfaction".

She restarted time again and left. The train came soon after.

" Hurry lets go before they catch us" Michael said.

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