Chapter 8: If their gone

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I hate him!!! I wish I never have met him. He cheated on me, now I just wish he would leave me alone. He won't stop calling and texting me. What I'm gonna do is block him from my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook , Tumblr, kik and delete him from my contact list.

I haven't left my house in a week. Mother doesn't even care if I'm at school or not. Nobody knows about what happened except for me and Michael. To make things worse I feel incredibly guilty. Michael planned to tell Valerie his feelings and I ruined it. But I know somehow they will end up together.

Stella had to take the bus to school. I stayed at home whatching funny movies to see if I could forget about him. None of them worked, none of them could make me forget about that lying, heart breaking son of a biscuit.

I hopped down stairs to eat some cereal. I lost my crutches so it was difficult for me to walk with this cast.
Suddenly I over heard a conversation between my mother and some other woman. Normally I wouldn't bother to snoop in to my mother's business but I had nothing else better to do. The conversation was something like this:

"So do you have it?" The woman asked. Judging by her voice she sounded like she was an old lady about 70 years old I guessed

"Yes, now do as you said and give me what you promised" my mother demanded.

"Here you go darling, remember this contains powerful magic"

"I'm aware of that"

" If you need anything else remember just to say my name"

" Actually there is something"

"And what would that be?"

"After my daughter's memories are wiped, I want you to take everything and everyone she ever cared about except for me and Stella and kill it"

" as you wish, madam mayor"

As soon as a I heard all of that, I panicked and when up quickly to my room. In the zone of panic, I don't know why but I just had to call my dad.

"Dad?" I said

" Sweet heart now is not a good time, can I call you back"

" but dad! Mom is a psycopath, she plans on killing everyone!!"

" Now honey I know your mother could be hard on you and your sister sometimes but she is not gonna kill anyone"

"But is true, you have to come home she is gonna erase my memories if you don't "

" I'm sorry but I have to go, love you bye" he then hanged up the phone

I quietly walked down the stairs without making any noise to make sure my mother doesn't hear me. I took the bus to Michael's house. I was shaking in fear because as I said before my mother is capable of anything. My knees were shaking, my forehead was sweaty and then this guy comes up and asks me:

" are you okay miss?"

" I'm fine" I replied

"Are you sure?" He asked again

I then screamed out "I said I'm fine!!!"
He walked away without another single word.

I knocked on Michael's door. He didn't answer right away so I looked through his window and saw a girl passed out in his couch. Turns out it was Valerie. I honestly didn't know what to think at this point, I had so many problems in my head. I kept knocking on the door until I woke up Valerie and she opened the door.

"Valerie what are you doing here?"
I asked

" Well he invited me over to study, then we watched a movie and fell asleep"

" Really Valerie? I'm not buying that but it doesn't matter, where is he?"

" Michael? I don't know I just woke up but maybe he's upstairs.

Valerie let me in the house and I started to look for him. If mother succeeds everyone even Michael will be gone.

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