Totally Random

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i wrote this a while back.. On my blog. Oh.. And Pebbles is me.

It was a cold Tuesday night. Ms. Martini was finishing her breakfast in a coffee shop (She doesn't believe in eating breakfast in the morning). Remember, it was a cold and RAINING. She didn't bring an umbrella with her. =( (Boo!) She knew she was going to get soaked. And then... She realized... IT WAS HER WEDDING DAY! ZOMG! She was going to get married to a Mr. Lucky. at precisely 11.59 pm. No need to panic. yet. it was only 11pm. She ran all the way home and got herself drenched in rainwater. No one soul could guess how drenched she was when she got home.. only Pebble. So she quickly changed into her wedding dress and put on make up. But due to bad luck, she hadn't taken off her wet clothes yet. So her wedding dress got miserably wet. Poor, poor martini, soaked in acidity (acid rain ;).

Things started to look up after that. On the way to her fiance's garage (the venue of her wedding) , she met a fortune teller. It was 11.02pm. Still early. She asked for her fortune and the 'fortune teller' who is actually a conman, told her that her wedding would be a disaster. Distraught Mary Martini asked him what she could do to turn her luck around.. With glowing eyes, the conman/ fortune teller told her she had to turn to the bible. As luck had it that day, she DID indeed have a bible with her, in case the priest had a nervous breakdown and she had to solemnize the wedding herself (She and her phobias..) She opened her bible and it landed on the story of Noah. She showed it to the fortune teller, who was very fortunate she hadn't realized she had been conned. He turned to her and paused. Then an idea popped into his mind. ' You.. you... YOU!' he said, with a tone ascending. Mary said 'Yea, me?' 'You MUST gather all animals availiable on this earth, two of every kind, one male, one female. This, will make your wedding a success.' with this, he broke into a grin, thinking himself to be the best conman alive, with his briliant- bible inspired 'prediction'. 'Owh.. okay...' Mary the Martini said. It was 11.03pm when her journey started...

Through thick jungles, rainforest, deserts, seas, oceans, zoos, pet shops, farms she did go. She gathered all the animals required. At 11.58pm, she arrived with over a million animals at her fiance's garage. "Meh????" Her fiance asked. She smiled and signaled the priest to go on with the ceremony. The wedding was a success. The con artist's predictions came true. Mary was happy. So was her Lamb. Mr&Mrs Lucky Lamb Chop lived happily ever after. The End.

FYI, Mary married the lamb, not ate it. =D That's how Mary got the little lamb. DUH!


You're probably thinking .. 'what?!' believe me, I'm having the same reaction to.. My hands feel so itchy I needed to add a story and click click click to satisfy it. :O

I just ate Oreos! :) so love them! Thanks for reading!

Thank you also so much for the votes and comments I have been getting from you! It has a really positive effect on my self esteem. :D

<3 E

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