Once Upon a Posse

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The leaves on the tree,

reminds me of three

good friends of me

wherever may they be?

for you see,

my friends of three

were good to me

albeit i not a he

all they could see

was a boy named lee

with long hair and a tee

I loved them three

because we would flee

together did we whee

from trouble and pee

queer you may say we be?

for pee were we

reprimanded you see.

for all over the quarry

did we pee

we laughed with glee

and gleeful were we

although our pee was wee,

big trouble we in be

But when they see 

my girly personality

they did foresee

that our friendship would never be

surprised, i exclaimed gee!

how shallow minded are thee!

i took my feet like an amputee

for jelly i felt they be

and returned to the dwelling of chimpanzee

Whence I be originally

everyone i told did agree

that all my sufferings and dree

were worse than a lychee

here i sit now with my coffee

telling you the story

of my happened destiny


Hope you all are doing well! Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry if you didn't quite like it. You see, this was created in my boredom... and i didn't put much thought into it.

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