The Red Mug

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So I’ve been MIA for awhile now. I’ve been having exams and getting used to some changes in my life. I thank you all for your support and hope your days are going well!

 Shoutout to Cambrie: You're awesome! <3 <3 Hope your day is going well! XD Thanks for being such an awesome friend!


I arose at 7am sharp. As I was stretching my limbs and successfully getting back some feeling in my numb legs (Sometimes I sleep in such a way that my legs don’t get enough circulation. I googled it once asking ‘why do my legs go numb in the morning?’ and promptly got a reply ‘because you sleep on them Einstein’. It’s true, I sleep funny-all the time) I was directed by my brain to look out of the window. 

I saw the strangest sight in my life! Snow! Snow painted the whole neighborhood and it was so great in abundance that by evening, we were all buried in snow.  It was truly a peculiar occurrence because never in my life have I seen it snow in this particular area- a desert.  And now, we were buried in the stuff.

The whole day was uneventful as I couldn’t do much. I could not go outside for snow was everywhere. I could not even unlatch my front door without flooding my whole house with snow. Luckily, I was a quick thinker and closed the door before the snow reached my bedroom.

I waded through the snow which was up to my elbows and made my way to the bedroom. With my quick reflexes, I managed to open, get in and close the door in one half of a second, causing minimal snow to make their way in my room.

I felt relief, proud and happy at my cleverness. Then I noticed that my whole body was numb from all the snow wading that I did from the front door across to my bedroom which was 100 meters from each other. My mind started to work and I realization hit me in the face- I was frozen. It was hard for me to believe at first but after reasoning with myself, I realized that I was indeed, frozen.

I comforted myself in the thought that I now know how it feels like being a popsicle. After composing myself, I made a mental note not to go out in this weather with just a tank top and undies.

That night, I slept with 10 layers of blanket to thaw myself out.

In the morning, I was all thawed out and my bed was wet. Oh the joy! Never in my life have I been so happy to have wet my bed. I couldn’t imagine myself as a frozen figurine anyways. I was just not cut out for all the attention I might get later on.

I remembered then that I missed talking to my boyfriend. I texted my boyfriend and told him I had ‘Boyfriend Withdrawals’ so that he would feel loved. My message didn’t send and I tried a few more times. I noticed that there was no service and decided that the best thing to do was give up on it.

By noon, my Boyfriend Withdrawals were getting serious. They were affecting my every judgment and move. I told myself to suck it up and endure the pain.

When evening came, I couldn’t take it any longer so I decided to make my way to his house which was just next door.

I wore 5 layers of everything I could lay my hands on, to make sure I didn’t freeze again. When I was sure that I was equipped for the weather, I made my way to the front door. There, I unlatched it and launched myself into the snow.

I wiggled and wiggled, making little advancement in my journey to le boyfriend’s house. After what felt like forever, I felt my head hit something hard- possibly concrete.

Then, I had an epiphany.

I saw Morgan Freeman in white and I was approaching him. It didn’t make sense to me at first then I realized… he was God. He was holding a red mug and motioned for me to come closer.

Unsure of his intentions, I waddled (my 5 layer of clothes would not allow me to walk any other style) cautiously towards him. He extended his hand which was holding the red mug and directed me to drink from it. I proceeded to do so.

Hot cocoa filled my stomach and I felt alive again. As I was drinking, I thought ‘If I don’t get to see le boyfriend after this, I’d still die happy knowing that my insides are happy’

And with that thought, I was back inside the snow but this time, it wasn’t snow. My face was in the sand and my butt was sticking out- ostrich style.

I took my head out of the sand and registered many faces looking at me and spotted le boyfriend somewhere in the crowd.

Damn hallucinations.


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