[12] Leaves of Autumn

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It's really short, I know... I'm so sorry

I only just realised it had been 25 days since i had uploaded... oops.... i'll try to upload again asap...


blame this guy who dumped me, lol.

well here it is, i wont leave you in suspense any longer :L


Chapter Twelve

“Hello Cecelia,” came a voice from behind me.

            I slowly turned around to find myself face to face with... “Rick,” I whispered.

            “Miss me?”

            I took a slow step back yet he mirrored my step, staying in close distance to me.  “Did you do that to my mother?” I said in a shaky voice.

            All he did was smile at me.  “You know you’re a beautiful girl?”

            “Did you do that to my mother?!” I shrieked.

            “Cece, Cece, no need to raise your voice.”

            “Quit avoiding the question!”

            “Well... to answer your question, what else would I do with this?”  He held up a bloody knife.

            I couldn’t think of anything else to say but, “Why?”

            “Because she was being useless.  I came home and she told me to get out of her house... and it’s not her house is it?  It’s my house.  I told her that and she replied with ‘I want my daughter to grow up in a safe environment.  Meaning nowhere near you’.  Imagine that!  The woman I so dearly love says she doesn’t want me around anymore because of you.  So you know what I’m going to do?  I’m going to get my revenge.  Now your mother is out of the picture I can finish my job and kill you.  But of course... we shall have a little fun first.”

            “What do you mean by... fun?”

            “Oh I think you can figure it out.”  An evil smile appeared on his face.

            I took a few more steps back and he followed me into the room.  When he was far enough away from the door I made a run for it; running down the stairs, out the door and down the road.  I could hear him shouting my name after me.

            I banged on the door repeatedly hoping that someone would answer.

            The light switched on and Oliver stood there in his pj’s, eyes squinted.  “What’s wrong Cecelia?”  He muffled a yawn.

            “Let me in!  Please!” I begged.

            He held the door open for me, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

            I bolted in and told him to lock the door.  He did so and followed me into the living room.  “What’s wrong?” He asked me.

            Oliver’s grandparents came out in their robes, tired and grumpy. 

            “Cecelia, it’s late!” Oliver’s grandmother said but once she saw the look on my face she became concerned.

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