All Mammal, No Hump

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A/N: Hi!!!! The humpback whale tour... It's an actual thing!!!! I did the research ok, the tours actually only go between January - May and it's actually booked up for the next five years (possibly longer, I only checked for that amount of time) so yeah, Mrs. Way is an offspring of God or something hahhaa. and this my be my fave chapter ever.

They spend their vacation adventuring. More accurately, Frank and the rest of them do, Gerard enjoys the light imagery of his glassy hotel room and the unsteady signal of Hawaiian reality television. Well, to be fair, Gerard goes zip lining... which was moderately fun, considering the anxiety attack his mom had to calm him down from before he went. He nearly passed out from the yelling when the locals completely hooked him up and pushed him off the edge of the mountain. In the end, he made it to the other end pretty safe and physically in one piece. Gerard would've even admitted soaring through the open air was exhilarating and gave him a better rush than conking out on pills if he didn't piss himself a little bit.

A week and a half in, Gerard and Mikey's mom somehow do the impossible and performs a Jesus miracle by booking themselves on a Humpback whale watching boat tour, in the waters just off of West Maui, an hour away from their resort. Frank nearly collapsed from the excitement overdosing his system. Mikey jumped up and down for ten minutes, which was surprising for the younger Way, since he was always so mundane and monotone. He used this as an excuse to touch Ray all over, psyching him up. Gerard even got a bit giddy, knees shaking under him and smile clouding his face.

The day of, Gerard feels his fingers tingle as they cab their way along to coast. They have to take two since they weren't as ambitious as the day of the airport and Gerard and Frank take one and Mikey and Ray take the other with Donna (the poor, poor kids). The view is breathtaking and Frank spends the half hour ride with his nose pressed up against the glass of the car. Gerard watched out Frank's window and he took notice of breathtaking, stunning view of Frank watching the landscape roll by.

They get clear, waterproof ponchos when they arrive at the small hut next to the tide. It looks extremely shifty, but it has massive boats docked to the pier a couple of meters away so Gerard assumes it could be worse. His poncho is bunching up against the sweater he brought for the wind and he is provided a shitty lifejacket that is two sizes too small (it feels eerily similar to a corset... not that Gerard would know how that feels). Mikey was too tall for his, making it look like a crop top, which he huffed at and crossed his lanky arms over his exposed (yet covered) tummy. Both of Frank's equipment doesn't fit correctly, being a size too big. Gerard gave him a sympathetic smile as he finds it quite endearing.

The tour guide who will be accompanying them on their voyage to see large mammals tells Gerard he needs to put his long hair up in a ponytail, seeing as the length can become a safety hazard. The teenager doesn't understand why and half-heartedly tucks it behind his ears, despite the dangerous looks he's getting from his mother.

They carefully step on to the tiny boat compared to the ships lined up on to the dock, other than Frank who jumps into it with both feet. It rocks violently and Frank laughs at the tour guide's risen eyebrow and thrown out hand clutching the side. Frank plops down next to the seventeen year old, practically trembling. Gerard pops a Dramamine in his mouth (Yeah... no more Xanax for him) and crunches it into small pieces before swallowing. He actually wanted to enjoy this, so he would take a murky taste in his mouth rather than throwing up the waffles he had for breakfast.

A couple of other people wander cautiously on to the shaky boat, including an elderly couple who were holding hands (Gerard thought that was especially cute), a younger, exhausted looking couple with two small children. One, a girl that couldn't be older than eight, screaming and thrashing her way off the boat. The man who brought her on practically dragged her by her ankles. The other child, a boy missing a lot of teeth and wearing what looked like a hand-drawn dinosaur on his shirt, sat quietly (but you couldn't miss the thrill on his face) next to his mother (and to his left, Gerard). Gerard frowns at the thought of kids howling the whole voyage and just the general idea of being next to children, but when the seventeen year old looks over at the boy beside him, he receives a wide, toothless grin. Gerard can't help but crack and smiled tentatively back.

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