Prologue • A/N

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  • Dedicated to Adam

Gerard and Frank were best friends... Well, are best friends! Um, well... ah. Gerard thinks they are! Obviously him and Frank were best friends all their lives but now Gerard thinks they're a bit more. NOT THAT GERARD'S GAY, but he doesn't have a problem with it. He's just not gay, Frank is. But he still loves the fifteen year old... maybe a bit more than friends... BUT GERARD'S NOT GAY. Nope, nope, nope... maybe.

Ah, fuck it. Gerard's just really fucking confused. Frank's flirting with him but not really.




Glassy • a Frerard fic

Warning: Honestly everything. Sex, terrible jokes, abuse of alcohol prescription meds, self depreciation, etc. If you have any questions about triggers it will either be mentioned in the chapter or message me!

Disclaimer: Didn't happen, but I kinda really wished it did. I don't own Frank, Gerard or any of them but I also kinda really wished I did. My Chem wrote We don't need another song for California, which I was listening to when I got this idea. We may not need another song for California but another creepy fanfiction Frank Iero will complain about UWU

Triggers: Um, Alcohol/maybe some drug use? Smoking, a little bit of self hatred. A LOT OF SELF PITY.

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