Have a family with me?

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"Blaine? Blaine where are you? "Kurt hollered from the door glancing into the black apartment. He then noticed a flicker of light coming from the bedroom. " I know I'm late I'm really sorry I was just at VOGUE and guess what Isa..." As Kurt rounded the corner into the bedroom his breathing hitched and his jaw locked open. There in front of him was his wonderful Husband holding a bouquet of flowers and candles surrounding the window sill and the bookshelves. Rose petals scattered all around the floor and on top of the bed. It was perfect.He was perfect.

Kurt couldn't help but smile. He didn't even notice a tear rolling down his cheek. " What.. what is ... this?" Kurt asked smiling like a Cheshire cat. "I just wanted to surprise you," Blaine replied handing Kurt the flowers. Their flowers. The red and yellow ones Kurt gave to Blaine to congratulate him on Tony and Blaine to apologise to Kurt. They were their flowers. And even though it was the smallest thing it meant a lot. To both of them. "I love you " Kurt blurted out without thinking. Blaine moved closer sealing Kurt's lips with a kiss.

Kurt deepened the kiss dropping the flowers to the floor and he ran his hand through Blaine's well gelled locks pulling him in closer. Blaine wanted to talk about their future but he was lost in the pure beauty of his perfectly imperfect husband. They had made their way over to the bed and Kurt pushed Blaine down separating their lips for a matter of seconds. They were passionately making out on the bed but both of them wanted more. They had done this a number of times but all of those times they had always kept making sure the other one was okay. They are in love, madly in love.

Kurt tugged at the rim of Blaine's skinny jeans and undid the zipper and the buttons. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed him. They needed each other. Blaine felt like he had helped Kurt. He used to be the shy closeted boy who kept getting shoved into lockers and was scared of everyone. But Blaine had helped him to change. Change into the man in front of him today.

Blaine caught Kurt by surprise and turned them over so he was straddling Kurt's hips. A smile crept onto both of their faces but their lips never removed from one another. Blaine tore his jeans off as Kurt pulled his shirt over his head. Both of them wanted it so bad they couldn't even deal with the removing of each other's clothes.

Soon all that was left was Blaine and Kurt standing in their boxers. Kurt pulled Blaine back in for another kiss pulling his boxers down as he did so. A small gasp escaped Blaine's lips as Kurt caught hold of his hard member. Blaine couldn't wait any longer he jumped on top of Kurt again and pulled down his boxers. "You are beautiful," Blaine whispered sending a shiver down his husbands spine. Blaine reached over and grabbed the lube from the bed side table.

They didn't use a condom much anymore. They loved the feeling of each other's warm members not the condom. Kurt prepared himself as he knew what was coming next. Blaine covered his fingers with the lube and glanced back up at Kurt. A subtle nod was all he needed. He slowly placed his fingers. One by one until three were safely inside Kurt. And the moans that came from Kurt made Blaine realise how much he is in love with this man.

Blaine swiftly removed the fingers and lined himself up with Kurt's hole. He gradually eased his way in hearing grunts from Kurt as he clutched on to Blaine's gel helmet tearing away curls.

"I love you," Kurt whimpered slowly relaxing as he and Blaine came ,almost simultaneously. "I love you too,"

Still out of breath Blaine decided that it would be the perfect time to talk to him. "Kurt..." Kurt smiled at Blaine's nervousness. "What's up honey?" He asked caressing his husbands cheek as he did so. "Do you... Do you wanna.. You know... Have a family with me?" Blaine asked blushing like a mad man. Kurt chuckled at his husbands adorableness. "Of course I do silly,"
"With me?" Blaine asked staring into his husbands electric blue eyes. "Hell yes!" Kurt exclaimed laughing as he did so. "When?" Blaine asked. They were both 27 and out of college. Blaine was a teacher at a school he specialised in glee and Drama. And Kurt was the deputy editor of the vogue! Their life was perfect but Blaine wanted more. "

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