"Its not okay!"

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"Okay guys be quiet , everyone when the lights come on shout surprise," Blaine confirmed before hiding behind the sofa with the children all softly giggling. Soon the door was being pushed open. "would you guys like some coffee?" Kurt asked fumbling for the light switch. This was his queue. "SURPRISE!" they all shouted startling Kurt as he dropped his bag with a massive smile on his face. "Whh..aa...t..t" Kurt couldn't even stumble out a sentence his eyes were locked onto Blaine's.

"Its a surprise for you, I thought that we should get everyone together because you keep saying that you miss everyone, and everyone wanted to see Heppy so me Jazz and Rachel thought we would surprise you," Blaine finished stepping forward and pulling Kurt into a hug which he happily agreed to pulling Blaine in closer. "I love you so much B," Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear letting a tear trickle down his cheek.

"UNCLE KURT!" screeched the twins who were grabbing at Kurt's trousers trying to pull him into a hug and out of Blaine's arms but realising that they were much to small. "Hey boys how are you?" Kurt said kneeling down only to be attacked by the twins causing Kurt to topple over onto his back, which caused ALL of the other kids to jump on top of him including little Daniel. Well all the children except from Daniel.

As Kurt mingled with his friends Blaine realised that Burt and Carole weren't here yet and started to panic hoping that they were okay. But Daniel was still missing, no one was worried he was older enough to look after himself and anyone who told him different got a polite tongue lashing about trust e.c.t.

"Shit," Thought Blaine he had left Hepburn in her room for about 2 hours and heard not a single peep from her which was unusual she would usually snore lightly or cry loudly. But  NOTHING. Blaine gently pushed passed the crowd and pushed H's door open lightly before peeking his head around to see a picture of perfection. There was Daniel Finn Schuster sat cradling a Hepburn in his arms singing softly to her as he rocked her back and forth.

Blaine's heart melted at the sight. Just like they were reading each others mind Kurt came over with the camera and snapped a picture of the two children before handing the camera to Blaine placing a kiss on his cheek. "Is it okay?" Blaine asked turning and wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist. "It's not okay!" Kurt said sternly causing Blaine to widen his eyes but drop his head. How could his husband not love this, after all the effort he had put into it "I..mm s..o," he stuttered holding back tears but was soon silenced with a kiss "it's perfect," Kurt finished smiling through tear felt eyes.

"You are perfect!" Said Blaine resting his chin on Kurt's shoulder and nuzzling into it placing a kiss onto his neck. "I know," said Kurt earning a chuckle from his husband. Soon cries erupted in the room next them and Blaine pushed open the door, to find Daniel shushing Hepburn with his tears threatening exposure.

"Danny its okay," Blaine carmed as he placed a arm around Danny's shoulder pulling him into a hug as Kurt took Hepburn out the cot. "I didn't mean to make her cry I tried to stop it I am really sorry uncle Blaine," Daniel cried. "Hey its not your fault I bet Cara cries all the time, and you don't stop her then, and you know why?"Blaine asked as Daniel shook his head "Because that is what babies do." Blaine chuckled. Daniels frown turned into a radiant smile.

"I want to be a dad some day," Daniel stated "and a prince of my own," he whispered. "Daniel do you like boys?" Blaine questioned putting a comforting kiss on his forehead before turning to Kurt. "I am just gonna show Heppy off for a bit," Kurt said , not hearing the whispers but feeling like a intruder. Blaine sent a thanking smile before moving Daniel out of his arms so he could look him in the eyes. "Danny? Do you like boys?" Blaine questioned again. "I think so!" Daniel said letting his tears explode down his cheeks. "Hey hey it's okay," Blaine said cooing at him . "Can you not tell dad or mum yet," Daniel pleaded.

"I won't but you know that Kurt, my Kurt the father to my child is alive today because of him and just look at Santana and Brottany and me , Mr Shue may not have saved my life but he helped save the love of my life and without him I would have no life so technically he did , and I'm gay, he accepted all of us and I gaurentee that he and your mum will except you too!" Blaine finished with a gasp for breath. "You are the best uncle Blaine, love you," Daniel said burying his head into Blaine's neck. "Can I tell him today?" Daniel asked "if you are 100% sure you are gay and like guys the way your dad likes girls then i would go for it!" Blaine stated "can you send mum and dad in here, I want to tell them together, please," Daniel pleaded. "Of course, good luck," Blaine said before exiting the room. As he entered the room Everyone was crowded around Kurt who was sat in the couch with Hepburn in his arms and they were all cooing sweetly. "Mr Shue?" Blaine asked "you can call me Will now Blaine," will chuckled. "You and miss Pilsbury need to go and speak to your son in Heppys room ," Blaine said "is everything okay?" Will asked "yes you just BOTH need to speak to him now," Blaine said and will nooses in understand meant "em come with me a sec can you leva eCara with Blaine", will stated "sure is very thing alright honey is..." The conversation faded after Blaine was holding Cara in his arms and they entered Hepburn's room.

"What's going on honey?" Kurt asked waking over to him after handing Hepurn to Burt "Daniel is coming out to his parents that's all." Blaine said "I knew he was gay!" Kurt whispered "Les just hope everything will be okay," Blaine said. "Of course it is gonna be okay it's Mr Shue!" Kurt said pulling Blaine in for a kiss. There kiss soon escalated and they had a full make out session until a Danny ran out of the room with tears in his eyes....

What's gonna happen? Is Danny been accepted ? Will Hepburn be gay or straight or bi it even transgender? What will happen read to find out

Sorry that I have been lazy my wifi is messed up and that's the only excuse I have sorry.

Love you all

Loving life 123

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