"Tell Finn!"

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"Okay whats going on?" Burt asked as he laughed at his son and son in laws adorableness. "You tell them!" "No you," Carole then lost it. "okay stop Kurt Blaine go inside at put a top on ill put the kettle on and then BOTH of you will tell us together , KAPEESH?" Carole stated raising her voice a little before she smiled proudly at the end. "Okay then , come on in." Blaine replied gesturing to the now open door which Kurt had just entered moments before.

"Two sugars please Honey!" Burt shouted as he , his son and his husband sat down on the sofa. "Make that no sugars Carole!" Kurt shouted back "What why?" Burt asked a little confusion in his voice. "You need to stay healthy dad, just think of your heart, thanks Carole." Kurt said as Carole handed him Burt and Blaine all a cup of tea. "Especially if you are going to have little ones running around soon," Blaine said with a big smile on his face matching his husbands. "Whhhat ?" Burt asked still confused . "We are trying for a baby" Kurt confirmed "How is that possible your both men" Carole asked still confused "We are using Rachel as our surrogate with my sperm," Kurt expressed waiting for his parents reaction...

"OMG that's amazing!" cried Carole jumping of the sofa smashing her and Burt's cup of tea. She soon pulled both Blaine and Kurt into a hug. "What about you dad?" Kurt asked peering behind Carole to see his father. He had tears of joy rolling down his cheeks and a smile plastered on his face. "I'm going to be a granddaddy" He explained pulling Kurt and Carole away from Blaine into a tight hug. Blaine started to walk away to leave the family on its own before Burt stopped him. "Where do you think your going , come on your family now , family hug," Burt explained parting from his wife and wrapping his arms around his son in law.

"I'm sorry to break up the mood but there is smashed china and tea all over our new carpet!" Kurt shrieked pulling away from the hug and gradually picking up the pieces. "Oh gosh Burt we have to go or we are going to miss the show!" Carole expressed. "I don't want to go and see the show !" Burt whined like a child "I want to talk about my grandbabies!" "Sorry Blaine , Kurt we have to go and see Wicked ! And then speak to Rachel about Jane Austen sings tomorrow night , bet it will be one of her last shows" she said crossing her fingers pushing a unhappy Burt out of the door. "Oh and I think you should tell Finn!" Carole said smiling kindly before swiftly leaving the lovers alone.

"I think we should," said Blaine's grabbing Kurt's hand "Together. But Only if you want to though, "he finished. "I want to..." He said smiling through tear felt eyes "Together," Blaine pulled his husband in sealing his now trembling lips with a kiss. Before Kurt broke down. "Don't leave me ,please." Blaine knelt on the floor cradling the crying Kurt in his arms . "Why would I leave you?" Questioned Blaine "just don't die , please , ever." Kurt said slowing down his breathing . " I'm not planning on doing that any time soon." Blaine said kissing Kurt's freshly washed chestnut hair.

Blaine slowly stood up and pulled Kurt up with him "let's go see Finn," he said intertwining his fingers with his husbands.

A couple hours later they got to the place where Rachel and Carole had laid Finn to rest. Well his body wasn't here , it was in Ohio but there was a fake grave here underneath a tree just for Rachel and the Anderhummels use.

Blaine let Kurt go first . "Hey Finn, how are you doing ?.... Well me and Blaine just wanted you to tell you something," Kurt said as Blaine knelt down next to him . "We having a baby , soon and we just wanted to tell you because we miss you so much !"Kurt said breaking down once again. "Rachel's going to be our surrogate because I knew that was what you would have wanted." Kurt started blubbering as he rest his head into the crook of Blaine's shoulder ,

"Hey Finn , it's me Blaine , I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you and don't worry as soon as Rachel's pregnant we will come back and tell you," he said letting a tear come down his cheek "together," he finished. Kurt looked up at him and smiled "together," he confirmed. "See you soon Finn," Kurt said laying down the new flowers and kissing the grave stone with his fingers he had previously had on his lips. "I love you ," Kurt said intertwining his and Blaine's fingers before walking away .

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