"Don't tell Kurt!"

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2 weeks later...

Cries erupted in the AnderHummel household, startling Blaine and Kurt awake. "I'll get her." Kurt sighed "No baby I've got this one!" Blaine announced as he strolled off into his daughters room at 5:50am, the latest time yet! Success "Morning princess," Blaine cooed as he picked the crying baby up and into his arms cradling her shushing her as he did so. "Did you have a nice sleep?" Blaine asked carrying her into the living room, to find Kurt making up a bottle. "Honey, you should go back to sleep, its not fair your going out with the girls this morning!" Blaine moaned as Kurt took Hepburn out of Blaine's arms and sat on the sofa and started feeding her, her bottle. "I only have 4 hours till I have to be at the spotlight diner so I will have a shower after I have finished with this little munchin," Kurt stated preceding to carry on feeding his daughter.

"Little Heppy is thirsty this morning," Blaine cooed as he sat next to his husband and daughter and then yawning and placing a hand over Kurt's shoulder as he did so "Why do you always do "the move" on me Blaine we are not young lovers anymore," Kurt complained but inside he still felt a flush of butterflies. "Now tell me you did not get butterflies just then, look me in the eyes and tell me!" Blaine demanded sweetly. "Okay, I see your point," Kurt giggled cuddling into his husband but mainly concentrating on his daughter cradled in his arms.

"I love you!" Blaine said as he kissed Kurt's forehead "and I love you," Blaine said placing a kiss on Hepburn's head."Come one Kurtie pie I'll finish up with this little one and you go get dressed," Blaine said gesturing to Hepburn. "I don't want to let her go," Kurt moaned "I cant believe I decided that two weeks would be enough with this little one before I would go out into the real world," then Blaine chuckled a little "It sounds like you are a women and you have just had a watermelon pushed out of your..." SHUT UP!" Kurt squeaked causing Hepburn to start crying in his arms. "OH I'm sorry sweetie," Kurt said "Shush shush," Kurt cooed "Give her here," Blaine said "I wont see her for the whole day I want to hold her while I can, " Kurt moaned "Honey you need.."

"Shut up BLAINE! I can handle a child !" Kurt shouted. Blaine's eyes widened as Hepburn's cries increased In volume. Kurt had tears running down his face as he soothed his daughter. "Kurt..." Blaine said quietly placing a hand on his shoulder. "Please.." Blaine continued. "Okay.." Kurt mumbled as he handed her over to Blaine who soothed her and placed her in her little rocking cradle. Kurt was sobbing silently "I'm so sorry Blaine I didn't mean...." Kurt started but Blaine interrupted him "Hey don't apologise, I know your stressed, so am I , lets just promise something. Even if we fight and shout a lot lets always make up before we go to bed so we can have some "us" time and cuddle," Blaine said pulling Kurt into a hug. " Thanks for knowing me," Kurt quoted Blaine from years back.

4 hours later

"Okay Blaine I'm heading out," Kurt called from the front door "Hang on baby someone needs to say goodbye to you, " Blaine said coming out of the office holding a energetic Heppy in his arms. "I'm only going to be a few hours," Kurt moaned before taking Hepburn in his arms and placing a kiss on her cheek. "I reckon she is going to be a looker," Kurt said sweetly "With your DNA theres no way that she coldnt be,"Kurt chuckled and blushed like he did when he and Blaine first started dating. "Flattering will get you everywhere B, wont it?" Kurt joked as he handed Hepburn back to Blaine and kissed him on the lips gently, almost teasingly.

"See you two later, Love you," Kurt called as he made hiss way out the door. "Love you two baby ," Blaine murmured as he shut the door and placed Hepburn in her ccot before picking up the phone.

Start of Phone call

Blaine Jazz


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