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"Okay Kurt,Blaine and Rachel I am happy to say that you are all clear to have a baby together!" Doctor Rosewall said with a big smile on his face. "But it's only been a month since you said you sent the tests off are you sure it's alright and safe I mean," Blaine asked trying to carm down a over excited Kurt. "Yes it is, I managed to squeeze you guys in the same day you left and I just got the email letting me know that we can carry out the procedure , today if you want?" Kurt squealed with joy "yes yes yes yes yes please !" He said embracing the doctor "thank you so much " he said before plonking himself down on Blaine's lap and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Okay then Rachel,I will book a appointment today at 7pm , I'll keep open the clinic a hour longer so you three can start planning your baby's life,"

Kurt and Rachel were smiling but Blaine had a perplexed look plastered on his face "why?" He asked softly "I'm sorry what do you mean?" The doctor asked kindly "I mean you have been so kind to us , booking us in early leaving the clinic open longer why? Why us?" He responded "because you remind me of me and Edmond when we were younger and we waited too long to use surrogacy and none of our sperms were viable so we had to adopt and I wanted you to at least get a chance to have a family , like me and Edmond did with little Finn," Kurt let a tear roll down his cheek "his name is Finn," the doctors smile faded a little "was Finn , he died at 10years old , cancer " Blaine and Rachel gasped "I'm so sorry ," they said together "it's okay "the doctor said smiling "I just can't wait to see you bring up this baby ," the doctor said handing Rachel the appointment slip "together," Blaine said holding Kurt's hand " okay so I'll see you at 7 tonight Rachel and I will expect to see all of you in 2 Weeks time to find out if it had worked !" He said ushering them out the door.

"I can't believe it !" Blaine exclaimed jumping on the bed "at this very hour of 7 Rachel could start carrying our little baby , OUR child Kurt !" He expressed pulling his husband so he was laying on top of him. "Yeah but what if it doesn't work and we have to keep paying more and more money , what if we can't afford it?" Blaine smile slightly faded "well I am in line for a tenure and if I get it ,my job will be secure and you could get that promotion to become joint editor of the vogue Kurt and money will come rolling in," Kurt smile grew bigger as he jumped off Blaine but pulled him up with him.

Kurt placed Blaine back down on the bed and sat in his lap before moving his lips close to his ear "I got the promotion!" Kurt expressed as Blaine jumped off of the bed knocking Kurt over before Blaine swiftly pulled him up into a kiss . "When?" He asked "the night we decided to have a family together , the night before we called Rachel , I was coming in to tell you and ,well you know what happened and I guess I got into my new routine pretty fast and with all this baby stuff I guess I forgot to tell you," Kurt said "that was over a month ago baby ,I can't believe you didn't tell me I think we need a celebration," Blaine said lifting his shirt up to expose his 6 pack to Kurt who was blushing madly "okay..." Kurt stumbled.
I think you know what happened next

1 week later

"Shut up Blaine!" Yelled Kurt from the kitchen "I've had enough of you and your stupid Star Wars shit!" Blaine emerged from the bedroom "are you seriously starting a argument from this," Blaine replied laughing but soon stopped as he saw tears rolling down Kurt's face. "Honey what's wrong?" Blaine asked pulling Kurt onto the sofa before Kurt Broke down collapsing on to Blaine's chest "baby what is is?" Blaine asked again "I'm just so nervous about the baby and Rachel , I mean what will happen if she wants to keep it or she had a miscarriage or if she never gets pregnant.. Or .." Blaine shut him up with a kiss
"Shhh baby it's going to be okay," Rachel won't keep the baby and the other things are very unlikely to happen , and with you looking after Rachel and our liccle baby in her stomach there is no way that it is not going to grow up a healthy baby,"

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