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"Only another week Blainey!" Kurt said cuddling into Blaine "what time is it?" Blaine asked "2am," Kurt said nervously "babe if we are going to have a baby we are going to need a lot of sleep at the moment because our little girl will be up all night moaning for her papa and daddy so shut up and sleep, or else no sex forever!" Blaine stated "Blaine you can't live without sex for 5 minutes let alone forever so I'd like to see you do that !" Kurt said laughing . "But okay I'll go back to sleep because I love you."

As the started to drift off into a deep sleep the echo of Kurt's phone filled he air like oxygen . "What the hell!" Blaine complained but Kurt rushed to grab it "it's Jesse!" Kurt expressed "hello is everything alright?... Now! .. We are on our way!" Kurt said a smile plastered on her face ."Rachel's in labour at the Hospital!" Kurt said causing Blaine to shoot up out of bed and drag Kurt into the walk in wardrobe to get change "what's the date ?" Blaine asked "5th of April why?" Kurt asked chucking on a random set of clothes . "Our daughter could be born today... April the 5th 2025 ,"

Blaine and Kurt frantically drove to the hospital Kurt's eyes glazed with tears and Blaine with the biggest smile on his face "Rachel St Berry," Blaine asked "relation ?" The receptionist asked bored "she's our surrogate" Blaine stated quickly "room 203," she said and they rushed over hearing screams of pain as they opened the door "thank god you guys are here now can I push?" Rachel asked "go ahead dear ," the midwife said "I'm Jasmine , by the way..." The midwife said turning to them before continuing with the pushing ,"okay which one of you lovely boys wants to hold the little one when she comes out ?" Jasmine asked sweetly. "Me ," perked up Blaine.

"okay , you ready Rachel , 3..2..1 push as hard as you can ," cries erupted in the room as Jasmine wrapped the baby in a towel and handed the baby to Blaine sat on the chair , "you have a beautiful baby girl ," Jasmine said kindly before tending to Rachel "hello princess," almost instantly the crying stopped and the baby cuddles into Blaine as he  kissed  her on the forehead. "I'm your papa ," Blaine said smiling "and I love you very much," Blaine said tears rolling down his cheeks. The little girl Blaine was holding had Kurt's stunning blue eyes which Blaine hoped never changed. She had the startings of chestnut hair sprouting on her head and Kurt's nose too. But it was obvious to see that it was Rachel's child considering how small they both were. Rachel was born tiny and this little one was no exception . "Come on go and meet daddy," Blaine said handing their baby girl to Kurt and pulling them both , gently onto his lap "hey sweetie I'm your Daddy," Kurt said smiling through watery eyes. "Is everything okay with Rachel ?" Blaine asked Jasmine "yeah everything is completely fine , how about you guys and this little one got a name?" Jasmine asked sitting on the now empty bed . Blaine and Kurt sent each other a knowing glance "Hepburn," Kurt replied "but we will all call her Heppy," Blaine butted in "you two are a adorable couple , you'll be great dads I'm sure of it ," Jasmine said smiling through tear felt eyes before leaving the room .both of them couldn't keep their eyes off of little Heppy . Passing them inbeyween each other with a great deal of care. Lovingly plastering her face with kisses every now and again. Jasmine came back about 4 hours later and sat on the bed with red eyes watching the loving couple as she cleared away the bed, and sat down in a tired sigh. Kurt knew something was wrong with Jasmine as a tear fell down her cheek, so he reluctantly handed his daughter back to his husband and joined Jasmine on the bed .

"What's wrong !" Kurt asked "nothing relationship problems don't worry about it," Jasmine said faking a smile. "What's their name and gender?" Jasmine chuckled a little "Darren, Male," She said smiling with a twinkling in her eye. "Here's my number call me tomorrow and I will organise a day when we can have a proper chat," Jasmine smiled a little "Thank you,"Jasmine said as she embraced him in a hug and left the room "Hey , you can call me Jazz ,now go spend time with your family," Jasmine said as she waved goodbye.

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