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The Tall slim man-Other wise known as; Slender man-Stood over me and began to undo his belt.

"N-No..Please.." I plead with tears in my eyes. The man chuckles at me and shakes his head, Finally getting his pants down. My breathing starts to heave and I start to panic. Tears are spilling out of my eyes and the only thing I want is for Harry to save me.

"Please.." I plead. I start to kick my legs but Immediately get slapped again. He laughs at my pained face and Pushes me back more on the bed. Tears come out of my eyes and I start to think Harry's not coming to save me, let alone look for me.



I get up from the ground, where both Jase and I laid. Jase-Unlike me-Is Unconscious. I wipe off some blood from my lip and Ran to the Alley. I run up to my car eager to get Sam and I out of this terrible place. I pull at the door to see its locked. I look down in the car to see if Sam's inside.

My eyes widen as I see she's not inside.

"Sam!" I call repeatedly. I run down the alley, slightly panicking.

Then I hear a loud scream. It sounds like Sam's..

"Sam!" I shout back. I look until I spot a hidden door. I run to it and Jiggle the knob.


I panic and look for something to break the door. I see nothing so I go with plan B.

I pick up the brick beside the door, looking for anything. I bend back down to put it back, knowing there's nothing I can do with it, When I see something small shinning like a new penny.

Its a Key!

I drop the brick and pick up the key. I slide the key into the door slot and jiggle the handle. This time it opens.

when I walk in I'm completely horrified.

Samantha is being laid atop of a Slim man with a Shaggy beard, Sobbing uncontrollably. Just by looking at this I know whats going on..


"Harry!" She says, Obviously happy to see me. I slightly smile at her before turning to beat the shit out of this Jackass.

"Don't touch her!" I shout at him. By the look on his face he was surprised.

"How'd you get in?" He stands up and Pulls his boxers back up, Along with his jeans.

"Key." I'm So close to just knocking him on his ass..

Instead of responding, He just laughs darkly. "Touch her one more time I'll beat the shit out of you." I warn. He laughs again, rolling his eyes.

"Kid, Your cute."

Cute..Really? cute?..

I glare at him before punching him. He didn't see that coming..



I'm so glad Harry's here. I stop crying and stand up. I go to the corner of the room and wait. Harry then comes around the bed, over to me, with a busted lip, Bloody nose, bloody Ear, and even Black eye. I gasp at the site and Push myself up. Harry limps over to me and Helps me up. He holds his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

"Thank god your here." I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck, Pulling him into a hug. I pull back and look at his face again. "Harry, are you okay?" I search his face for signs.

"That doesn't matter, Lets just get you home." He ignores my question and Lifts me up in his arms. He walks towards the door and opens it with one hand. He limps all the way to the car, with Me in his arms and puts me in the backseat, so I can lay down. He then comes around the car and get into the front seat.

"Thank you." I say below a whisper.

"Its no problem. Are you okay, though?" He looks at me through the mirror.

"Y-Yea.. I guess."


"I'm fine,Harry. He didnt do anything to me." I interrupt.

"Now Really, What about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm Fine, Now drop it." he sighs in annoyance.I stayed silent. That's how it stayed for a while too.


"hm?" he hums.

"I just wanted to say that I love you and Your my best friend." I tell him which brings a smile to his face.

"I love you too, Buddie."

We pull up at Harry's house and he helps me out of the car. He shuts the car door and walks up the little stairs to the front door. He pushes it open with his foot and closes it the same way before taking me upstairs into his room. He sets me on the bed and goes to the bathroom.



"Can I stay here for a couple of nights? I have no where to go.."

Ya see, I Live- or Lived -with Jase. Since he cheated, I need to find somewhere else to stay until I get myself a place of my own.

Harry peeks his big head of curls around the corner and smiles a little. "Of course."

"Well, I need a bath." I tell him. He nods and runs back into the bathroom, Turning on the water. 

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