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-2 weeks later-

"Knock, knock." Harry's husky voice sounds from my door. I turn and give a small smile to him.

"What's all this?" I refer to what Harry's holding.

"Cherokee roses, since its your favorite flowers, Skittles, kit kats, Milky Way, and snickers, all your favorite candies, a giraffe stuffed animal, cos' you love giraffes, and a few movies." Harry smiles looking in the big brown paper bag. I smile and pat a space for him beside me. Harry comes and sits next to me on the bed.

"What movies?" Harry pulls the movies out and reads them.

"Bambi, pretty little liars season two, iron man two, pitch perfect, the watch, the notebook, and hansel and Gretel." He reads out.

"I love you." I smile up at him.

"I know. I love you too." He chuckles. Harry leans down and places a quick peck on my lips.

"Harry.." I whine. Harry laughs and kisses my forehead.

"What do you want to watch first?" He holds the movies out for me. I look through them with a hum. Wait a second..

"Harry, these look new. Did you..?" I start but Harry cuts me off.

"Baby, chill. Yes, I bought them for you but it's alright." Harry says.

"No, Harry. It's not alright. You can't keep spending your money on me. You need it, Harry. You already have a low budget..." I start to scold him but he cuts me off.

"I got a Job." My eyes widen as the words come from his mouth.

"W-What?" I stutter.

"I got hired to do construction work over by the library." He adds. I grin and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

"That's great, Harry." I say into his shoulder.

"I know." He pulls back and kisses my forehead. "Now," He pulls back from my forehead. "Pick a movie." He hands me the movies again.

"Pretty little liars." I hand him the CD. Harry takes the CD and stand up. He looks around For the Tv while I laugh at him.

"Where's the damn Tv? There's a Playstation so there must be a Tv." He says to himself looking around. I continue to laugh as I take the remote to the room and press the Tv button. A part of the wall moves slowly, revealing the flat screen hanging on the wall. Harry's face was priceless as it appears on the wall.

"The hell?" He looks at me with a confused expression.

"The remote controls the room." I show him the remote in my hand. Harry nods, eyeing it as he puts the CD in the playstation. Harry picks up a remote next to the Playstation and holds it up.

"What's this remote do? Control the bathroom?" Harry jokes.

"No, We don't have one. That one controls the Playstation." I laugh and shake my head.

"Well, damn." He snaps his fingers together. I laugh and pat the bed for Harry to sit again.


Harry groans at the tv as Toby comes to view again. Why? I've been gushing over how hot he is since the first episode.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Harry exclaims angrily as Toby takes off his shirt and shows his abs.

"Damn." I grin as I watch him turn full view.

"That's it." Harry jumps across me and grabs the remote, turning off the tv.

"Harry!" I exclaim causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"Next movie." He ignores me and picks a random movie. He gets up and pops the cd in before coming right back.


Of course he'd pick this movie! He picked the watch.

"Harry.." I whine. Harry ignores me and wrap his arms around me in a cuddle. His eyes stayed glued to the tv as the nudity scene came up. I quickly cover my eyes as moans go through the tv. Great, we're watching porn..

"Harry, what the hell?" I exclaim as Harry groans and shifts multiple times.

"N-Nothing." Harry stutters. He stops shifting and gets up.

"Where are you going?" I uncover my eyes and look around.

"No where. Want to watch Bambi?" He holds up the movie. I nod and stand up from the bed. I start to cough as soon as I'm on my feet. Harry stands up and looks at me again.

"Are you alright?" He asks. I nod and stop coughing.

"Uh, Harry.. Your.. Friend there is sure sticking out." I point. Harry looks down and his eyes widen.

"Uh.. The movie. It's uh.." Harry starts to explain but I cut him off by shaking my head.

Tattooed {Punk Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now