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"This is it?" Harry asks, staring up at my apartment building in disgust.

I frown and sigh.

"This is shit!" He exclaims.

"This was the best they had." I argue.

"The best?" he inquires.

"Yes, the best, Harry."

Harry laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Hm.. Well, let's see inside then." he huffs.

I shrug and open the front door. considering I was on the first floor, I had it good. I walk down a few halls before getting to room twelve.

"The inside even looks like shit." he comments.

"Shut up before someone hears you!"


I roll my eyes as he snickers and crosses his arms. I dig into my small purse and pull out my apartment keys. I smile down at my keys before pushing them into the key whole.

"Here we are." I announce, pushing the now unlocked door open.

When I walk inside, I find it looks like a trashed hotel room.

"Well, Damn. This whole building looks like shit. from the vines outside the building to the chair of worms in this room. A big piece of shit I tell you, Sam." Harry states, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"Oh, come on. It just needs a tad bit of fixing up." I shrug.

"Sam, the paint is chipping off the walls and you can practically see the wood underneath it. It needs a lot more than a little fixing up."

"Harry, I can fix this up, okay?" I sigh in irritation. I lean with my hand against the wall beside the door and frown. As I let most of my weight lean on the wall, I fall in, Breaking the wall and letting out a small girlish shriek.

I land on my side on the kitchen floor as Harry laughs at me from the other room. I look up at Harry in disbelief and annoyance that he's laughing at me.

"Really? Really, Harry?" I ask, staring up at him with my mouth open slightly.

"I'm sorry but it was too funny." he says, covering his mouth to stop his laughter.

"Whatever. Just help me up." I roll my eyes, lifting my hand In the air.

Harry moves his hand from his mouth and pulls me up into his chest.

"I told ya it needs a lot of fixing." he jokes, referring to the five foot hole in the wall.

I roll my eyes, not finding his joke a bit funny. Yeah, it did need a lot of improvement but he didn't need to make a joke of it and rub it in my face.

I push myself off Harry's body and turn to examine the hole.

"It's a mess.." I frown and sigh, pushing my long, brown, ratty hair behind my ear.

The hole wasn't exactly life size but it was big. The whole led to the kitchen that looked worse than a haunted mansion from 1954.

I step over the wood in the floor and step into the kitchen. Old wood covered the floors and walls, The counter tops had dirt and rust on it, and the fridge had lost most color. No wonder it was so cheap.

All of a sudden, there's a loud, booming sound from the living room and Harry's no longer behind me.

"For fuck sake!"

I got a feeling he fell and broke something..

I hold a hand over my mouth to hold in my laugh and walk over to the living room. As I approach the room, I find the old sofa on the ground along with Harry who is throwing a fit like a 5 year old.

"Are you okay?" I giggle.

"No, this fucking sofa almost broke my ass on the ground." he says glaring.

"Hm.." I hum with a nod. "I guess you shouldn't have sat on this old couch. I mean, it was bound to break." I shrug.

"Whatever." he says, rolling his eyes and getting up.

He walks away from me as I laugh.

"I don't get why you'd stay here, Samantha. You could just come back home with me instead."

"Harry, I've told you enough times, it won't work out if I stay. Plus, I already rented this out for 8 months." I tell him, walking to him.

"God dammit." he sighs. "Look-Look, we could pay off the rent while you live with me and just..Y-Yeah." he stutters.

"I can't, Harry. I have to actually be in this building." I say, pointing to the ground as the building and emphasizing 'This'.

Harry groans.

"Then I'll just have to live here with you.."

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