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Just letting you know now;

Clyde is played by Ian Somerhalder (Vampire diaries)

Row is played by Cassie Scerbo (teen spirit)

Oh and delaine doesn't come in till later. Anyway, enjoy on!



Tiny droplets of sweat dripped down my face as I dropped the last bag of sand on the ground. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and let out a deep breath. I was done. I was finally done for the day. I undo my tool belt and walk towards Clyde.

"What's up, Styles?" Clyde turns from the blonde boy to me with a slight smile on his face.

"I'm heading out. I finished everything already." I tell him as I dust off my shirt. Clyde nods and looks back over at the blonde boy for a split second then back to me.

"How does Jack in the box sound to you boys?" Clyde looks between us for an answer. I shrug and look at the blonde boy.

"I'm cool with it." The boy shrugs. By his accent, it's obvious he's Irish.

"Alright, Im gonna go get my wallet and car keys. Keep each other company while Im gone." Clyde instructs before walking off the direction of his office.

"He's really weird." I say as I watch him walk off.

"Agreed." The boy nods in agreement. "I'm Niall." The boy turns to me and holds out his hand.

"Harry." I give him a curt nod as I shake his hand. This Niall kid seems nice. He did have a few tattoos and a piercing, but I think he's gonna grow on me.

"Nice to meet you." He gives a small smile to me.

"You too. So what do you besides this?"

"Nothing much. I usually stay at home and chill out with a bag of corn chips." He shrugs. I give him an understanding nod and stick my hands in my pocket. "What about you? I mean, you have to do something."

"Nah. I'm usually busy, but when I'm not, I take my girl out." I can't keep the smile from slipping onto my face at the sound of 'My girl'.

"You love her, don't you?" Niall stares at my face, smiling.

"Yea. A lot. How'd you know?"

"I can see it in your eyes. It's obvious."

"Really?" I ask, my eyes wide.

"Really." He nods. "What's her name?"

"Samantha." I smile wide as I say her name. Just the sound of her name makes me instantly happy. I really love her.



I sip on my milkshake as I read over my older text from the last time Harry and I talked. I read the date of when we last talked and I sigh sadly. It's been a week. I know he's been busy but he could at least text me before he goes to bed. I honestly miss him so much.

The doorbell on the top of the door in the restaurant rings as someone walks in. I completely ignore the people that walked in as I continue to read through the texts.

"Sam?" A very familiar British accent calls from somewhere not so far in here. I look up in front of my phone to meet a very beautiful pair of candy green eyes.

"Hey, I thought you were at work." I say as I take in what he's wearing. A dengue black tank top and black ripped skinny jeans. He looked hot.

"Just finished, Actually." He grins.

Tattooed {Punk Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now