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I walk out of the tent with a yawn, scratching my arm. Row still stood on the log as Niall walked out of the woods.

"Sleep well?" Row eyes me up and down. I must've looked a mess..

"Yea. How long did I sleep?" I crack my neck and stretch.

"An hour." Clyde shrugs. I nod and walk out to the log where Row was. I sit down and watch as Clyde walks into the woods again with Niall.

"Sam's fine, don't worry." She rubs my arm for reassure.

"I know." I sigh. "I'm just worried about her and a gun together." I half joke. Row keeps her eyes on me as I look down, playing with my hands. "What?" I look up at her.

"Nothing." She shakes her head. "I just want you to be happy is all." She shrugs. I nod and go to look back at my hands but I just can't tear my eyes away from hers. I just now notice how grey here eyes are. "Hm?" She hums, tilting her head over a little.

"Your eyes, They're so grey. I thought they were blue." I watch as a small smile grows onto her face.

"They must change colors." She Shrugs.

"Just like Samantha's." I whisper. Oh, Sam..

Without thought and all of a sudden, my lips were pressed against Hers. She takes a minute before kissing back. I pull her closer with a smile and let my hands roam up the back of her shirt. A sudden realization hits me hard causing me to push away from her.

"What the fuck, Row?" I push her back, almost off the log.

"What are you talking about? You kissed me!" She argued.

"I.." I start but Niall cuts me off by running in, breathing hard.

"Harry, I think you'll want to see this." He breathes. I stand from the log and look down at Row.

"It never happened." I whisper-shout. I rush off to the woods with Niall behind me. "Which way?"

"Down there." Niall points straight ahead. I run down the big hill with all my power. As I'm running, I notice Clyde on a small beach at the end of the woods.

"Clyde!" I shout as I run into the sand of the beach.

"Harry! Oh, good your here." He sighs.

"Wh-What is it?" I look around the beach, curiously.

"She's hurt."



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