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3 Weeks Later..

"Jane, I said no." I roll my eyes and set down my cup of tea.

"Come on, Sam. Its a Party." She wines. "Oh, and There's going to be tons of hot boys. Even Harry.." She winks. I groan just hearing his name.

"That's the thing, Jane. I don't want to see him." I explain to her.

She shrugs "Ya know, There's nothing wrong with him." She states. I look at her shocked. "He used to be your best friend. What happened?" She question.

"He became a douche." I simply state.

"Oh, Please." She lightly laughs. "He's Anything but." She gushes. I roll my eyes and groan again.

"Whatever. We're not throwing a party though." I put my hands up in surrender and shake my head at her. She groans again.

"Please. For me?" She uses her pouts out her lip and gives her best puppy dog face. I sigh, knowing her she won't give up.

"Fine. Just for you." I say in a serious tone.

"And Harry.." She mumbles. I stand up and ignore her last comment. I pick up my tea and go to the kitchen. I place the tea in the sink and go back to the living room. Its much easier living with Jane than Harry. Harry is so mean and rude now. I don't even know him anymore. Harry started to get more and more tattoos. Even piercings. The more he got, the ruder he got. Trust me, He got a lot too.

"Do you mind if Louis came over early?" Jane asked me, looking up from her phone she was holding. I shrug carelessly. As long as its not Harry. I go up to my room and shut the door. I go to my closet and pick out something to wear. Hm..How bout a turquoise sleeveless sun-top, Cream skinnies, and Light brown combat boots. Now that I have that done, Shower time. I grab some towels and underwear and bring them into the bathroom. I start the shower and step in. I wash and Shampoo in Fifteen minutes. I get out and wrap a towel around my chest and hair line. I dry off my body and put on my clothes. I blow dry my hair then put it in a messy shoulder braid. I apply a little eyeliner, Mascara and lip gloss before leaving the bathroom. I slip on my combat boots and go down stairs.

"Ready that fast?" Jane eyes me up and down. A smile creeps on her face as she looks back up at my face. "You look gorgeous." She says. Louis comes around the corner and smiles at me.

"Lookin' good." He winks at me. I smile and blush.

"Thank you." I look down at my feet.

"Jane, Where's the peanut butter?" A deep and raspy voice shouts from the kitchen. I look over at Jane and immediately glare at her.

"You.. You.." I start but have no words. I lose them all as the tattooed boy entered the room. The boy looked at me and smirked.

"Hey, Sam." His evil smirk got bigger and his dimples poped out. I stared at him in disgust. Seriously now?

Tattooed {Punk Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now