Chapter Seven

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So... I looked at my profile, yeah, and it said that I was #23 for humor, #53 for romace and #94 for What's Hot. THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!

So, no vote requirement this time. Just know, the faster the votes = the fast I upload! (: It's huge encouragement!!

Also a couple of people had questions about the Thriller scene from last chapter and that it was in '13 Going on 30'. I've actually never seen that movie, so I didn't know that it was in it. I went to a party and one of my friends requested Thriller and then actually led the dance. Granted, he was the only one that knew it, so the rest of us just looked like idiots, but that okay (;

Also, a lot of people have been asking if I would do a chapter in Jason's POV. The answer is no, because I want to the first book to be completely in Jenna's POV. The sequel, on the otherhand, is completely in Jason's POV. Unfortunately, I can't release any information about the sequel until later on because then it would give away the ending, and let's just say that even though this is EXTREMELY cliche, my ending is different than most endings that you'll probably read.

SO, enough talking! Happy belated 4th of July and sorry it's not edited!



Chapter Seven


            I woke up the next morning to the sound of my mother singing her favorite song by Elvis Presley (he wasn’t even in her era!) and to the smell of bacon and eggs. The events of last night hit me all at once. Why was Jason so upset about Fred? We’re more together than him just slutastic Vanessa Miller ‘having a little fun’. Doesn’t that count for something?

With a smile on my face, I trudged out of my room to the kitchen. My mom turned around smiling brightly. “Jenna! I’m so glad you’re up! You had a late night visitor.”

One eyebrow shot up. “What do you mean I had a late night visitor?” I asked, seriously doubting that my mom was sane.

“Jason stopped by.”

I froze as I could feel the color draining from my face. “Well I don’t ever want to see him again. So please-”

“He came to apologize, Jenna,” my mom said quietly. “He said he was wrong and just wanted to make sure that you got home safely. He said that you ran off, but your friends were still there, so he was worried about you.”

I shrugged, feeling a little bit better that he had come to check on me. “Liam brought me home. The party scene isn’t really his thing.”

            “What happened, Jenna? Why did Jason have to come and apologize?” A deep groove appeared in between her eyes, a tell tale sign that my mom was worried. She wore her features like an open book; you always knew the way she felt.

            I sighed. “It doesn’t matter.”

            “Yes it does,” she said firmly. “We used to talk about everything and now you go straight to your room when you get home. Your dad and I have hardly seen you! And-”

            “If I wanted to talk about it, I would,” I said shortly, picking up a piece of bacon and popping it into my mouth. “Things have just been complicated and Jason hasn’t helped at all. Actually, he’s pretty much made it worse. So forgive me if I don’t feel like talking about my feelings all the time,” I snapped.

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