Chapter Nine

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A/N: Thanks for all of the support y'all have given me! So far, the covers look amazing and the casts are pretty good, too! Y'all are making this impossible to decide on.

This was a pretty quick upload, all things considering if you ask me... so I better get LOTS of votes and LOTS of comment. I did this for y'all because of all the incredible feedback.

I think it's so funny how 99% of you hate Fred. Most of you want to do some pretty destructive, violent things to him. Don't get me wrong, I always happen to read THAT comment when I'm in a really awkward place, and I burst out laughing and people look at me like "what's wrong with THAT girl..." hehehe so thanks everybody!

BTW: I'm going to the beach so the next update may be a bit late... SORRY!




Chapter Nine


            I laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, waiting for Sarah to get home. Every time I closed my eyes, my thought wandered back to the kiss. Every time I opened my eyes, well, they were pretty much always open, all I could see was how angry Jason got with Fred. The door creaked open and I shot up in bed, half expecting it to be Jason.

            “Sarah,” I breathed. “Thank God your home.”

            She grinned at me with the wistful expression on her face. I couldn’t help but wonder if I had that same look on my face after I got back from a date with Fred. “Tonight was amaz- what’s wrong?”

            I tried to smile… but it wasn’t exactly working out, and Sarah saw right through me. “He kissed me tonight. Jason… we umm… well… I sort of…”

            “English sweetie.”

            I smiled at her. “We took a walk and Jason kissed me,” I sputtered out.

            Her hand covered her grin as she squealed, jumping onto the bed. “What? How? I thought that you said you hated him!”

            I sighed, feeling even more defeated at my own game. “I do hate him. At least, I think I do… Fred came over to meet Holly and she asked me what the sweetest thing he’s ever done for me was and I told her about these flowers that I got one day when I was having a terrible day and the card said something about me being his angel and I said the Fred bought them for me and Jason blew up and then Fred went home and then we went on a walk and he said that if I ever needed anything that he’d be there for me and I asked him why and he said I was special and kissed me and then said that he wasn’t saying sorry for it, but the funny thing is, is that I didn’t want him to be sorry and I kissed him back and it was different than any other kiss that I’ve ever had! Grant it I’ve only kissed two other guys, but still. I’m so confused!” I rambled on and on and on.

            She grinned. “Well first of all, Jenna, Jason was jealous about the flowers thing.” She stripped and changed into her pajamas. “Wait! Ooh! I know why he was so upset!” She grinned and laid down next to me on the bed. “Jenna, may I say, you are denser than a brick wall. Seriously.”

            I looked at her in complete confusion. “What?”

            “What does Jason always call you that you absolutely hate?”

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