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Y/n pov.

"Here's a face washer babe," Leo says handing me one and I wipe the blood off with it from around my eye.

"Oh babe," he says hugging me.

"It's fine, it'll heal and yeah," I say.

"Mmm ok," he says kissing my cheek and pulling out of the hug.

"Do you wanna maybe go on tour with me?" He asks nervously.

"Sure babe!" I say hugging him.

"The thing is I'm going on tour tomorrow," he states, I sigh then fake a smile.

"That's all good, I'll start packing now," I say standing up and walking into my room.

Leos pov.

It's been a while now y/n has just been packing, I don't know whether to check on her or let or do her girly stuff.

I wait a little longer then I decide to go knock on the door.

"Y/n?" I say.
"Babe?" I repeat.

"I'm here," I hear a little sniffle coming from the room, I slowly open the door to see her in tears.

"BABE!" I say going over to her and hugging her. Her tears make me feel so sad I start to tear up too.

"What wrong?" I ask after a little while of us just hugging. She slides her phone
Across the room to me. I see someone's posted on Instagram a picture of what looks like me kissing some other girl dated yesterday.

"Babe this isn't me," I say telling the truth.

"If you date someone famous these are the challenges you have to choose who you believe, me or the media?" I sigh.

She just cries and little more and hugs me.

"Here I'll help you finish packing," I say and pick up a Top and start folding it.

"Ok, I love you," she says kissing me on the cheek then packing too.

Y/n pov.

"Ayyye," Leo says swinging a bra around my face.

"Mate," I giggle stealing the bra back and packing it.

"Da fuck," he says now holding a pad trying to work out what it is.

"Oh that's a wipe you use it on your face to make your skin smoother," I say trying not to laugh so I can see what he does.

"Oh..." He says wiping it on his face.

I start laughing my head off.

"What?" He asks.

I try to reply but my laughing keeps getting in the way.

"What?" He says laughing too but not knowing what I'm laughing about.

"It's a pad, it's what girls use when they have there period," I say.

"So they wipe it on there face when they get it?" He asks.

"No," I say laughing.

"I made that up to see what you'd do, we use it on our bottom private part," I say laughing.

"EW WTF Y/N" he says wiping it against my face now.

We both giggle.

I take another pad from the packet and stick it on his back.

"Aye," he says rubbing one into my hair.

We both laugh.

"God you still look unbelievably beautiful with a pad in your hair," he giggles then kisses me.

"Ok, I'm going to get this pad out of my hair," I say standing up.

"Haha, ok baby," he says.

Leos pov.

I breathe. And think. About her. About everything about her. About her voice. Her smile. Her little freckle above her lips. Her laugh. Her little spots where her pimples used to be. The way her little hairs at the front of her face always curl up. The way she flirts back. The way she walks. The way she kisses. The dimples at the back of her spine. The big arch she has on her feet that she never noticed and she always arches it without noticing and the way she arches it is the way dances train for years to be able to do. How she hates her nose but it's so perfectly formed. Her long eyelashes. HER EYES. Oh man her eyes.

"Hey babe," she says walking out turning my thoughts into reality.

"Hey," I say grabbing we into my arms and kissing her.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" I just bluest out.

"Haha as if," she says going to kiss me again.

"Nah, you're a legit jaw drop," I say trying to make her understand how precious she is.

"Babe, if I was you wouldn't of left me the first time," she says and I sigh, I mucked it all up. What have I done. After that she'll never understand that my love for her is more than truth.

"I'm so sorry," I say leaving little kisses all up her neck.

"Come on, make me some food, I'm peckish," she says standing up.

"Ok, babe," I say, standing up thinking of the best meal I can make, because she deserves it, in fact she deserves the world for just being her.

Y/n pov.

I see leos shirt on the floor and I smile.

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