Small bump

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"Wait do I get this dance?" Leo asks.

"Yes darling," I sigh.

"That's the attitude," he says leading me to the ballroom.

He spins me around and I fall into his arms. He kisses me on the cheek and a smile appears across my face.

"Come on now," I say walking away from the ballroom.

"I'm tired let's go back," I continue.

"Fine babe," he says chasing after me.

Leos pov.

We walk to the car.

"Wait babe, I forgot my jumper, I'll be right back," I say kissing her cheek and wandering back into the building.

I look around until I see it on the chair that I was sitting on, I pick it up then wander out back into the streets.

"Y/n" I yell looking for her.


"Y/N" I say screaming now wandering all over the place looking for her.

"Y/n?" I say falling to ground in tears, I see her on the road, blood coming off her, I see a car dumped in front of her then look up to see a man around the age of 20 calling an ambulance.

"Y/n, can you hear me?" I ask letting Go of more tears I cradle up into a ball and hold my knees. I cry into them next to y/n until I'm ready to see her like this again.

I take my face out of my knees and lean next to her, I kiss her forehead and pray to god that she's gonna be ok.

I take her hand and squeeze it.

She squeezes back.

"Y/N" I scream with tears of joy and shock, I kiss her all up her neck.

"The urgh ambulance is coming," I hear the boy say and as I turn around he knows my face and I know his.

"Patrick," I gulp.

"Hi-i" he gulps back.

"I just want to say sorry for-" he tries to say.

"Save it for later, you nearly made me take away my own life and you've nearly killed my girlfriend well actually we are engaged as of today," I say wiping away my tears and standing up so I'm in level with him.

"You're right, I should probably go, the ambulance is coming," he says getting into his car and driving off.

I stand there for a minute watching him drive away and then I fall back onto my knees next to y/n.

"Wow, y/n, never thought you'd affect my heart so much in just one day," I say holding her hand.

Soon I look down the street and an ambulance shots up infront of me. They basically push me away and forget I'm there and just put her into the ambulance.

I hop in the back with her.

"Excuse me who are you?" A lady asks.

"I'm her boyfriend," I say.

"Only family allowed," she says snarling at me.

"We are engaged," I say pointing to a ring on y/n's finger, the lay fakes a smile and let's me stay then walks off the other nurses.

I put my head in my hands and sigh.

Y/n's pov.

I wake up in a hospital bed and turn to see Leo curled up crying.

"Leo," I say, his face coming out of his hands revealing his puffing red eyes.

He stops and stares at me he doesn't say anything he just smile and hugs me.

Soon the nurse comes in.

"Ok so we've checked her, she's all well but we need to check on the baby incase it's hurt," she says.

"Baby?" I ask.

"Yes darl you're pregnant," the nurse says. Me and Leo stare at each other I start to panic inside I feel like I may faint but I keep it together and fake a smile.

"Thank-k you," I strutter.

"Ok, we will be back with the results soon," she says walking out of the room.

I turn to Leo he hasn't said anything he's just starting into the distance.

I gulp then let a tear out. I don't know if I'm happy or if I'm stuffed. I can't be a mum.

"We can do this," Leo murmurs into the distance. I take his hand he looks at me then back into the distance.

We stay silent until the nurse walks back in.

"He's all ok," the nurse says smiling.

"He?" I ask.

"Oh yes sorry, did u want to know the gender?" She asks.

"Yes please," I say looking at Leo.

"It's a boy, congratulations," she says.

"Thanks," I say smiling, squeezing leos hand. He smiles back.

"Yes thank you," he says.

The nurse walks out followed by a doctor walking in.

"Mr Devries, I'm sorry to take your fiancée away from you but she may need to stay the night, just in case," the doctor says.

"Can I stay?" Leo asks concerned.

"You may if you want," he says.

"Yes, yes please," Leo says.

"Ok, well I'm be back soon," the doctor says walking out.

"It's a boy," I say.

"Yeah, we can do this, I promise," Leo says taking my hand.

"Mmm," I say taking my hand back.

"Night," I say.

"Night princess," Leo says.

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