Love and Hate (Klaroline)

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•This is the background story for the book...enjoy loves!

Caroline darted out from her house, quickly reaching her horses stable. She wasted no time and quickly mounted her beautiful black horse 'Sheena' while giving her a gentle petting. The horse did not protest and instead gave her a happy neigh, "Let's get going beautiful." Caroline soothed as her horse began galloping off toward their destination.

"Lady Giselle, my mother has sent me to pick up the supplies she needs for tomorrow night!" Caroline shouted at the market women excitedly as she gracefully leaped off her horse her blond curls bouncing. She entered the small market filled with groceries and spotted the old women behined the wooden counter.

The lady smiled, handing Caroline a basket full of food "Ah yes tomorrow is your twelfth birthday am I right young lady?"

Young Caroline smiled nodding while taking hold of the basket "Yes miss, mommy has been ever so busy planning my party she's had no time to pick these up." she said lifting the basket of vegetables & other food products. Giselle nodded placing a hand over the little girls head "Well aren't you a helpful daughter." Caroline giggled and quickley reached into her pocket pulling out a silver coin to pay for the food, "And you're invited too miss Giselle, I hope you can make it." Giselle took the coin and nodded, "I wouldn't miss it Caroline." The little girl gave her a pretty smile and exited, then without struggle mounted her horse again and took off.

As the young little Caroline Forbes was out of sight the old witch felt her heart begin to accelerate. She gripped the wooden counter tightly "No!" she cried as the images of the little curly blonde haired beauty's future flashed before her. The last image was of the Prince Niklaus Mikaelson holding her lifeless body.

"Ill be right back Sheena!" Caroline said leaping off the horse and heading inside the little cottage. "Mommy I'm back." she said skipping into the kitchen where her mother was. She knew her mother would scold her for talking too much to the old "insane" women Giselle, who her mother was convinced was crazy and Caroline knew not to mention she invited the old lady to her party. She immediately froze in place as she spotted her mother sobbing in the corner of the room. "Mommy?" Caroline whispered feeling the butterflies in her stomach begin to appear. Her mother looked up surprisingly at her daughter "Oh baby I didn't except you back so soon!" she quickley wiped her tears and gave the little girl a fake smile. "Why are you crying?" Caroline asked placing the basket down and drawing closer to her mother, clutching her little pastel dress tightly. "What don't be ridiculous honey, I wasn't-"

"Don't lie to me mommy, I saw you!" Caroline interrupted demanding an answer, hand on her hip. Elizabeth Forbes flinched at her daughter's stubborn voice, it reminded her so much of her husband's.

Caroline watched as her mother broke down in tears falling to the floor, she rushed over to her feeling a pit in her stomach, she had a dreaded feeling what this was about. She lifted a small pale hand and tried to soothe her mother, "You're father was captured and found guilty for betraying the King, he was hanged!" her mother shrieked crying hysterically. Caroline eyes did not water nor did the little girl shed a singletear as her mother shed many,but instead stuck out her chin defiantly. Her father had left them six months ago, leading a group of rebels to plot against the King Mikeal Mikaelson. Caroline's fists balled tightly. Her father had taught her everything, how to mount a horse, archery, and even sword fighting, but he also taught her to hate the King & his bloody royal family. The Mikaelsons were stuck up and cruel to whoever wasn't high class or rich, they loathed the poor and did not care for the commoners....this is what her father taught her. "Don't cry." Caroline said in a cold voice to her mother, her mother looked up from the floor to meet her little Caroline's cold gaze. "Cancel my party mother, I'll be up in my room." Elizabeth watched as her young sweet little girl walked to her room with a hate filled expression that flamed in her eyes.

Caroline began to throw things around her room full of rage, she threw her stupid dolls, her stupid drawings, her stupid pink bows and managed to brake and shatter her portrait of her father. She panted from her fit, and slumped down on the floor picking up the small pieces of glass lifting her father's picture. "Hate is the base of revenge, and revenge may be wicked but it's natural." the girl muttered promising her father sweet revenge.

a/n:Okay so this is the back story for this story! Please tell me what you think, and if I should continue...if you liked it remember to follow/vote/comment!Thanks!

-angielovee ♥

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