interrogation squad 2k16

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We need to start a petition where black girls constantly question white girls like it'd be interesting to reverse it, you know how they are always asking us stupid questions so I thought why don't WE turn the tables.

Is that your real hair?

Are those contact lenses or are those the actual colour of your eyes?

Do you have wifi over in your country and I don't mean the land that you stole from the native Americans, no honey, I mean where you originally came from. Not all the land that you stole and called your own.

Are you sure that's your real hair?

You're so exotic, your skin is the colour of mayo and corn flakes.

Are your eyelashes real?

Did you get your lips plumped up?

Are your boobs real or did you get plastic surgery?

Is your ass for real or did you get the same thing that Kylie Jenner had in?

What makes you think that your white ass hair can work dreads?

Why does being called a cracker offend you so much? Is your race being killed everyday? Is cracker a word that's used to put you down or demean you? Was it used back in the days of slavery to make you feel bad????

Do you all sleep with your cousins and find that incest stuff hot?

a/n: okay now I'm done 😂

- queen z

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