immigrants + stealing jobs

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I'm actually against immigrants, we can't deny the fact that Muslims are all terrorists and Mexicans/Hispanics or whatever they're called end up stealing jobs illegally omg.

Don't hate me, I just think it's unfair that immigrants are taking over Amerikka when it's not even their land...


Okay, let's actually start this rant. I just want to remind you that it is virtually impossible for anyone to steal a job from you. The keyword here is impossible.

This is how it works, an employer will intentionally hire someone that they can underpay for profit. This is them purposely taking advantage of immigrants.

Honestly, in America and nearly every other country that complains about immigration, we don't have an immigration problem. It's literally a moral issue, regarding how employers would rather take advantage of immigrants and then push the blame onto immigrants.

In a country like America where racism is a dominant problem, do you really think that they would hire immigrants above a white American if there weren't any benefits that come with immigrants.

Many immigrants follow the cycle of groveling in a job that doesn't pay well while having to take care of their families at the same time. As if this isn't enough, the blame is now pushed onto the immigrants because everyone seems to think they are "stealing jobs" when in reality they are actually just being taken advantage of. 

Have a nice day fam 💖

— Queen Z


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