July 13, 2015

196 17 7

2:40 P.M.

Hey Lord,
I'm about to go meet Emily. I'm so anxious. I can't. Maybe I should just stay at home. This could be a bad experience.. I don't know.. I can't. I don't know if I'm ready to forgive.. I don't know if she is even going to apologize, or just harass me more. I have to go now.. I'll update you when I get back.. Bye.

4:46 P.M.

Emily apologized.
I don't know if it was sincere, or not, but she said that she's been through a lot with her family and that she is better now, and she asked if we could be friends again. I told her that I forgive her, but I need some time to think about the friend thing. I really don't know right now. I just don't know. I can't even. I just don't think it was sincere.. This is like night and day, and I want to believe her.. I just can't right now. Saviour, I'm tired of this. I'm tired of feeling like this. I'm tired of not having my Mom around. I'm tired of everyone being so tense. My Dad did have a job interview today though, but I don't know what for. My brother David is probably really stressed, he's going to college in the fall, and after all this.. It will be hard to pay for him. He did get an academic scholarship, but that doesn't cover everything.

10:00 P.M.

We-we might be moving... My Dad got a job offer in Nebraska, the state above us. I don't know, Nebraska is like nothing but corn, and I don't want to move. Chad.. I have friends here.. Sorta.. But do You really want us to move? I mean I would love a fresh start, but I don't want to leave everything here behind... But whatever You want, I know my parents will do, the company only gave them 3 days to decide.. so if You want us to move, then we'll move. We'll move. We'll move... Well, goodnight Jesus! I love you!

~Chloe E. Almond.

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