July 19th, 2015

177 15 2

A/N: Above is a picture of Chad. I decided to change it because I realized that I haven't been imagining him as Josh Hutcherson and I just felt like it didn't fit. I'm really sorry for completely throwing you off, feel free to keep imagining him as Josh, this is just a lot closer to what I've had in mind. (Just less perfect model looking.) Also, I will edit the chapter that I introduce him as Josh in and change it to this random picture that I found on the internet.

10:42 P.M.

Hey Saviour, today was small group, it went really well actually. Emily and I are talking more, it's a bit awkward, but it's better. I still can't believe that I'm moving in a month, I don't think I will believe it until it finally happens, but You've got me in your hands, and that's all that matters. I haven't told Emily that I'm moving yet, I'd assume that Chad would have told her but as far as I know he hasn't, I just don't know what to say.. We are just starting to talk to each other again. What if she starts being mean to me again? I just won't be able to deal with that on top of everything else that's going on... And then there's Chad. We talked today, just normal friend stuff. At least I know that he's going to miss me :). Actually, he invited me to his 15th Birthday party, this Saturday, July 25th, but his birthday is actually the 24th. I want to go, but should I? My parents already said that I could since Emily will be there, but he's friends with Peter, remember I had a crush on him like two years ago and I never talked to him and for some unknown reason I told this one girl that I barely even knew because I was 12 and she basically told everyone including him and then I died. Nobody has ever really mentioned it, but I just don't like being around him, and he'll probably be there... And what do I get Chad? Um.... I have no clue. Why is it so hard to get guys presents? Hmm.. He is actually the first guy that I'd be getting a present besides my brother and Dad. And the first guy birthday party. I just hope that Emily and I aren't the only girls. Then again inside of me I'm a bit happy.. Because that means that I'm the only girl that he invited besides his sister. Goodnight! I love you!

~Chloe E. Almond

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