Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Huey POV

Damn Jasmine, why the hell did she have to come around? I can't imagine what's going on in Jewel's head right now. Probably angry with me, maybe that's why she look so angry. A frown took over her face and her eyes turned black. A strong feeling of anger rolled over me, aw damn.

I looked up at the sky and seen the moon was coming up.I turned around, "Jewel I think you should-"

She was gone.

I looked around a bit and figured she went home. A sigh escaped me. She's making me go crazy! I don't understand anymore. I'm slipping.
Come on Huey, calm down, don't get so worked up, it's okay not to understand these things, right?

No, it's not right, nothing is right. I walked down the hill to my house. I can't forgive Jasmine for this, she can't just do this to every girl I meet. I never felt anything with them anyhow. I just wish she would, leave me alone for just once! She is the reason why my whole relationship with girls are futile. Wait, I don't have a relationship with girls. All because of her!

'Huey, calm down before you do something stupid.' My inner voice warned.

"I'm not that dumb. But, it's something about Jewel. I just want to hold her forever. Protect her from anything, but I can't," I growled.

'You can't protect her from anything, if you can't even protect her from yourself.'

I looked up at the moon and turned my head to see yellow eyes peering out of the bushes, watching me. I know those eyes. "You!" I exclaimed, "You did this to me,"

"Oh Huey," The large black panther stepped out into the moonlight, "you tried to be a hero and paid the price. You brought this upon yourself," He snickered.

"This isn't funny! I could hurt someone," I cried in anger.

"No need to get worked up there, I gave you the option of running away and keeping your humanity, but you just wanted to save someone who wants to ruin your life, let alone be in it. See Huey, if you try to save everyone, you just end up saving no one," He turned around and began to leave.

"Wait," I stopped him, "How do I get rid of it?" I asked frantically.

He chuckled deeply, "You don't want to get rid of it," He answered.

"I do, just please, tell me how to get rid of it," I pleaded.

"You must, kill someone,"


"Not just anyone, a wolf," Then he left.


Jewel's POV

"I need to get home," I took in deep breaths, "I can't turn now, River, please, don't do this," I looked up at the moon and watched as the clouds blew away.

I felt myself change. I tried to fight back but failed. Inner wolves are always stronger on full moons. I hate that. I was now in my wolf form. My gray wolf. I howled in anger.

'Why so mad, Jewel?' River asked.

"You know why, don't pull that bullshit on me," I growled. I looked up to see I was right around the corner from my house. I walked in that direction.

'Oh no you don't, where do you think you're going?' River growled. "Home, I don't want to hurt nobody. Especially what happened to Andrew, I don't want that to happen again." I continued to walk.

'Jewel, you need to man up. You act like a little death is going to stop someone,' She hissed.

"No, I don't want to end up a murderer and be in the woods like that Jeff kid," I snarled.

'See,' River sighed, 'That's your problem right there, you're afraid. Jewel, let me explain something to you, fear is what holds everyone back. They can't do what they intend on doing all because of the thought of something going wrong. You see, fear is an option, you don't have to live with it. If you don't have fear, you can conquer anything,' River says.

Anything huh?

I chuckled, "I do agree, fear is an option, but fear keeps us from doing foolish things. Do you agree?" I smiled.

'Jewel, you're full of it. I'm going to tell you something secretive. The whole wolf population is depending on your life,' She growled.


'Jewel, you have so much power inside you. If a certain man get his hands on that power, get his paws on you. Everywolf on this planet will just, die. No other wolf knows that this is going on. Your grandmother can protect you, except for on the full moons, when she is at her weakest. He strikes when he gets the chance, that's why you mustn't go home, he knows where you live, because...' Her voice got lower. 'He's here,'

I turned around to see a large black panther in a fighting stance.

"Hello Jewel, nice... To meet you!" He launched at me with tremendous speed. I ducked, but his claws got a hold of my pelt. I jumped to the side and shook the pain away.

"Wow, I really thought you was dead there," He chuckled deeply.

"It'll take more than just a scratch to kill me," I smirked.

'No, no, no!' River whimpered.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

'It can't be, him... But the scent. It is,'

"You haven't recognized me yet? You are stupid," He growled.

"I'm no stupid... I don't really care who you are, just leave me alone!" I snarled.

The moment I blinked was the moment everything went black.

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