Chapter 14

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Jewel POV

I exploded out the door and ran to my house.

Don't go there, they know how to get in.

My fur got hot and uncomfortable. I wanted to rip it off.

River, what do they want?

To kill you. They're wolf hunters. I told you, a certain man wants to get his hands on you, or shall I say, your blood.

Dafuq? Why do they want my blood?

Because, you have the blood of the most powerful wolf known to supernatural kind. It's pure, yes.

What do you mean, 'pure'?

You know, same bloodline.

I don't know, tell me.

My god child. Are you that dumb?

No, ass, I'm clueless.

Well, if you say so. It means your dad, is also your uncle.

Haha! Nice joke. No tell me what it means.

That's what it means. Your whole family is connected. Your grandma is your aunt too. I know, it makes no sense at all.

Oh my god, nasty... I'm glad I don't have a brother.

Actually, you do. He died when your dad died.

Bullshit... well, I don't know what to say. Either I'm happy or sad that my brother died.

You should be happy, he was going to kill you too.

I guess that works.

"Jewel!" I heard a familiar voice call to me.


They're coming!

"No time for talk, we need to go now." I rushed past Huey, Riley, Gray, and some Japanese girl.

"I got Riley, Gray you get Ming." I heard Huey say.

They're getting closer. My god they can run.

You're not helping!


I ran with all my strength, hoping not to trip over anything in the process, it happened once.

:Slow down: Gray told me.

Speak for your damn self. You aren't the one they're after.

:Still, Huey can't really keep up with our speed:

We can't wait for him. I'm sorry, but if I go back now, the world will probably end.

:I can't believe you: Gray growled, :Leaving him to die like that. You and I both know he can't fight them on his own:

Then you go back. I didn't ask him to come along with me. If you want to save him, go ahead, I'm not stopping you.

:You know what, fine!: he growled. :That's why your mother didn't want you around her in the first place:

I stopped running, "What did you just say?"

:You're mother didn't want you around. If she got into trouble you'd just sit back and watch her die:

You're right, I would. Because I don't want anything to do with it.

:You disgust me. Huey would sacrifice his life for you at anytime and you would just give leave him like that, you don't have a heart at all: he let the girl, Ming, off his back and ran back.

I looked at Ming, "So, what do we do now?" I asked.

She looked at me, angry expression on her face, "You need to go back and help them."

"I'm not going back!"

"You are, and you will. You got yourself in this mess, Jewel. You dragged Huey, Riley, Gray, every organism on this planet into this. You don't want to get dragged into others mess, but you got others in yours!"

I looked to where the streetlights shined, verses the darkness. I repeated the process twice and came to my decision.

"... I'll tell you this right now," I stepped towards Ming, "I'm a wolf, a lone wolf, those people I stayed with isn't my family. I am a wolf that cares nothing for others. That women that brought me here, isn't my mom. She's a replacement, my real mother died when I was born. She was just hypnotized into thinking she was my mother by my father because he knew he was going to die. I know it all, Ming. You know nothing about me. Everything you was told up until now, was a lie." I growled.

"But still, Hu..."

I laughed, "Him? I don't care nothing for him. He could die for all I care. Tell him I said just that. I'm leaving." I turned and ran down the street that held my future in whatever way...


Look, don't judge me. Look at the bright side here...


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