Chapter 13

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Happy MLK day!!!!! Yeah, I know I'm behind but still... Alright,  still nothing. But I... uhh... well, here you go.


Huey POV

"Look here, Huey." Jewel glared at me. "Try me one more time, I'll make sure you never have babies, got it?"

I'm beyond confused, overly confused. What is she mad about?

"Don't act dumb, Freeman. I saw everything." she hissed.

Oh damn I am. Did she really see what I did?

"I saw it all, boy. I saw everything." Gray imitated Jewel. 

"Shut it Color." she growled.

"Nice name for me, Pebble." Gray sneered.

Jewel turned her attention to me, "Yeah, I seen the way you was looking at Jasmine the other day." a smile appeared.


"I guess you'r- WHAT!"

"Yes bro. I saw it all. You look at her with lust in your eyes." she smirked.

Wait a minute...

"What do you think 'lust' means?"

"Hatred, duh. You obviously don't see the context clues here." she tapped her head.

"You can't be serious, Pebble." Gray laughed.

"Oh yeah. And next time you look at her that way," she spoke to me in a deep horrible voice, "I'll kill you. Look at her like she's the friend you never had. Got it?"

I nodded my head. "You're right, I should look at her as a friend."

Gray looked at me, his mouth hung open, "You actually agree with her?" he asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Come on now l, Gray. You act like I don't agree with what people have to say."

"That's because you don't. Remember that time your grandad brung that woma-"

"Shut up. I had a good reason." I growled.

"Which was?"

"I don't have to tell you actually."

Jewel looked up at me, one eyebrow raised, "Firstly, we need to work on your temper."

Riley POV

"How'd you get down here?" I asked.

"Oh you know, taking a stroll through the park and all of sudden fell in this unseen hole." she said.


"No, idiot. Someone pushed me in here. You think I'd just walk through the park for no reason?"

"What else is the park for?"

"Anyways, I heard some girl crying and went investigate, next thing I know, I'm pushed down a hole." she explained.

"Oh. Same story with me." I lied.

"She got you too?"

"No, I tripped and fell."

"Why? For what reason did I get stuck with him for?"

"It was faith." I smirked.

"It was trip and fall. Get over yourself. " she snarled.

I ignored her and looked up, it's getting dark.

"We need to get out of here before the sun sets." Ming sighed.

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