Chapter 9

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Jewel POV

As soon as I walked into my room, I witnessed an over size cat about to jump out my window with papers in its mouth. I looked closer to see what paper it was, and it was my birth papers. Well, fake birth papers since if the doctors found out about me and tried to take my blood, I wouldn't be here right now. Ding!

I was about to grab it, but it jumped into the huge oak tree I never notice and disappeared. What will I do if that cat drops it and somebody reads it? What if it gets into the wrong hands? What if... I find that cat first and destroy it. The only way.

I turned around and, almost jumped out of my skin, saw Gray. "I'm going over to Riley and Huey house." he told me.

I shook my head, "No, you're gonna help me find this damn cat that has my papers and kill it. If those papers get into the wrong hands, then you won't ever be able to go to Riley or Huey house again, got that? Cause if I go down, best believe we all going down." I hissed darkly. "Alright, I'll tell 'em I have a raincheck. But you better know where this cat is going." he growled.

"I have an idea on where it's going. And we're going there right now." I pulled him by his arm and we went to the destination of the large black cat.

Huey POV

"This is nasty, you need to clean up in here." I growled at Riley, who was laid back watching tv. "You clean it up." he looked at me.

"I didn't do it, you did. I'm not cleaning up behind you." I handed him the black garbage bag so he can pick up the empty pizza boxes, soda cans, water bottles, paper, plates, and broken glass which came from the vase he threw. "I'll do it later." he pushed the bag away from me. I started to get agitated. "You'll do it Now!"

Fear shined in Riley's eyes, and I realized he took a hint. Because he grabbed the bag from me and let out a long breath. He put one can in tue bag and sat down. "I'm so tired. I feel like I'm about to pass out."

"I'm gonna make you pass out if you don't clean up in here." I walked away from him. "Oh yeah," Riley exclaimed like he found something out. "me and Jewel working on a project together. She said she was gonna call."

What? A project?

"You don't have her in any of your classes."

"How you gonna tell me? What, you so obsessed with her that you follow her to her classes and see who in there? You are sick, Huey Freeman. Sick and you need help. She gonna be making a Taylor Swift for you." he threw the bag down dramatically and walked pass me. I watched his act and noticed he picked up all the trash. Impressive, he did it and I didn't even notice.

—You never notice anything.


—Did you notice he took your wallet?


Later that day, the phone rung and I picked it up.


A lump was caught in my throat as heard the familiar, heart renching voice. The only thing I could do was breath.

"Huey? I know you're there, I can hear you breathing."

Why does she want to call me now? And what does she want?

"Huey, please. If you are listening, I need you to do something for me." she sounded like she was on the verge of crying.

"Can you watch Kim for me? There's something I must take care of and I don't know if I'll be able to see her face again. I can't trust my family since I dishonered them. And right now, you're the only one I can turn to."

I'm not heartless, nor am I a babysitter. But... I suppose I owe her one. Even though she lied to me in my face, and laughed. But, that's the past and it must be forgotten. Besides, the present is a gift and the future can be either a gift, or nothing at all.

I cleared my throat, "I'll watch Kim until you return."

"But... you don't if I'll return. This mission is dangerous enough to get me killed."

"I know you'll return. If you don't, I'll never forgive you. Got it?"

She softly laughed, "You never change, do you? Anyways, before I get all choked up on feelings, Kim is on your doorstep. If I'm not back in three days at noon, then it means I'm dead."

"You won't die." I sighed. "Wait, how did you know I would agree to you?" I asked. She said nothing, then I heard the phone click.


"I told you to tell her to come here!" I flinched at the harsh words he spat sharply. "I'm sorry. It slipped my mind." I looked down at my feet.

"You're useless. I don't know why mother had to keep you. You are no use to me. She should have killed you along with Ginjiko." he growled and snapped at me.

I hid my face in shame and sighed. This isn't the first time I let brother down. I messed up many missions because of my shyness and weaknesses. He literally broke my heart over fifty times the past four years. Tore me apart and even burned me. Mysteriously, every time I came back to life. He swung one large paw at my head, and it fell off, spinnig on the ground, making me dizzy.

"I swear, next time you screw up. I'll kill you to the point you don't return. Send you to the depths of hell. Got it?"

I guided my body to my head and picked it up. "I promise I won't screw up this time." I attached my head to my body and turned away from him. I promise.

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