Ending 2

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Jewel POV

I exploded out the door and ran to my house.

Don't go there, they know how to get in.

My fur got hot and uncomfortable. I wanted to rip it off.

River, what do they want?

To kill you. They're wolf hunters. I told you, a certain man wants to get his hands on you, or shall I say, your blood.

Dafuq? Why do they want my blood?

Because, you have the blood of the most powerful wolf known to supernatural kind. It's pure, yes.

What do you mean, 'pure'?

You know, same bloodline.

I don't know, tell me.

My god child. Are you that dumb?

No, ass, I'm clueless.

Well, if you say so. It means your dad, is also your uncle.

Haha! Nice joke. No tell me what it means.

That's what it means. Your whole family is connected. Your grandma is your aunt too. I know, it makes no sense at all.

Oh my god, nasty... I'm glad I don't have a brother.

Actually, you do. He died when your dad died.

Bullshit... well, I don't know what to say. Either I'm happy or sad that my brother died.

You should be happy, he was going to kill you too.

I guess that works.

"Jewel!" I heard a familiar voice call to me.


They're coming!

"No time for talk, we need to go now." I rushed past Huey, Riley, Gray, and some Japanese girl. 

"I got Riley, Gray you get Ming." I heard Huey say.

They're getting closer. My god they can run.

You're not helping!


I ran with all my strength, hoping not to trip over anything in the process, it happened once.

:Slow down: Gray told me.

Speak for your damn self. You aren't the one they're after.

:Still, Huey can't really keep up with our speed:

True, since he's carrying Riley heavy weight self. 

Riley has been working out and running because he wants to join the football team and the coach said he was too light weight and he'll be destroyed in under three minutes before the game starts.

We'll go back, then we'll leave. But... What about Grandma and Diamond?

:They're stronger than us, they'll be fine. Plus, they might nag the hell out of them:

I laughed, what stupid humor at such time.

Gray told Ming to hide somewhere, but she refused. She insisted on coming with us. If someone got hurt, she would mend them.

It was no time to argue so we just let her come along. 

Me and Gray ran down the street, only to come to a stop. 

Gray... something doesn't feel right. It's quiet... too quiet. No growling, hissing, yelling. Almost like everything has come to a stop.

:I seem to know what you mean. It's... dead:

The smell of blood hit my nose as I heard a yelp next to me.


He...He's dead Jewel! Ming killed him. We should have left when we had the chance to go. 

I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black.

What's wrong Jewel, move! We got to go!

I don't know which way to go!

"Jewel! Get out of here, go!" It was Huey yelling.

Listen to your gut and go forward.

No, go to the right.

Go back the way you came!

Gray's dead!

Why are you just standing there like an idiot? Run!

I'm scared and confused. Like a child lost in the woods. I don't knw which voice to listen to. I think I'm going crazy! 

I began to feel myself shift into my hopeless human uniform. 

Jewel? Jewel! Don't pass out now. It's not the time!

I'm sorry you got trapped in this hopeless body of mine.

I hit the ground hard. Cold and defenseless.

Might as well die here with the rest of the world now. 

I heard Huey's voice yelling my name, "Jewel! Jewel! Jewel..." His voice faded along with River's. 


It was all black.

"Jewel! Wake up! We are here!" 

I groaned and opened my eyes and looked at my mother. And then looked around to see two boys walking to the truck. Serious one with a afro. He tall. And one shorter with cornrolls, though he's tall too. 

"We're in Woodcrest, get the hell out." Is exactly what my mother told me.

It's great to be a hybrid of wolf and human isn't it?


I told you I'd change didn't I?

So, comment how you like this ending better than the other.


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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