Chapter 10

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Jewel POV

Where are we going? River asked, sounding like an impatient three year old. Where ever that cat went. I replied.

How do you know you're following the right trail?

I know what the cat smells like, plus, I know where its going.

True, true.

"Hey, where are we going?" Gray asked.

"Somewhere." I answered.

Silent for three minutes, "You don't even even know where we're going." Gray said.

"Yea I do, get off my case, grandma." After a few seconds of silence Gray commented, "You're grumpy today."

"You're alive." I hissed.

He glared at me, then looked to the side at a bush. "Hold on Jewel," he grabbed my arm, "something is over there."

He's right. The bush is moving.

"What do you think it is?" I asked him.

"I don't know, a dog, puppet, Bigfoot, or our neighbor Mr. Johnson." he said sarcastically.

"Alright, smartass. Go see what it then." I pushed him towards the bush. "Hell naw. I know you ain't serious."

" 'Ain't' is not a word. What you mean is, is not. And, yes you are. Since, you are the one who left my window open."

"Ma told me to. Because your room was so dusty."

The bush shook violently and out of reflex, I pushed Gray into the bush. "You idiot!" he yelled at me and disappeared into the bush.

I sat on the curb, patiently waitig for his return.

Huey POV

I opened the door to see a short Japanese girl sitting at my door step. Large green eyes, long black hair, light tan complextion. "Are you Mr. Freeman?" she asked in a shaky high voice. As if she was speaking to Obama. "I am. But you can call me Huey. Alright?" I did my best to smile, it wasn't working out. "Thank you, Mr. Huey." she bowed and walked in the house. "So, you're taking care of me for three days?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Are you fun?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, what do you do?"

"I mainly read." I replied.

"I see. How old are you?" she sled me.

"Seventeen, why?"

"I'm ten. You're very tall, Mister. Why are you so tall?"

"Growth spert."

"Wow. I want to be your height. But as you can see, I have a lot of years ahead of me."

"I can see that."

I walked into the livingroom and in the couch in front of the tv. Kim sat next to me.

Ten minutes of silence, until Kim broke it. "Mister, do you have a girlfriend?"

I choked and looked away from her.

Why does she want to know that?

"No, why?" I asked.

"Because, my mom is single and she's been trying hard by herself since my father abandoned us. Plus, I really like you."

What an odd child.

I stared at her, confused and dazed

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, my father abandoned us."

I felt a bit of sympathy in my heart for this odd young girl.

"Huey!" I looked up from the girl to see my Grandad staring at me, wide eyed. "Please tell me this is not your child. It can't be since you still a virgin. Anyways, explain to me who he hell this is."

"Well, I agreed to somehing I wasn't prepared for. This is Kim. Ming's daughter. She's gonna be here for three days." I replied.

"Oh hell no!"

Jewel POV

When Gray finally decided to get up out the bush, I pushed him back in. "You ninny! Get out the bush." I growled.

"You pushed me." he growled. "No, you are just clumsy. Now, we have a cat to get to."

"I caught it. I caught the cat."

He got up and revealed the over sized cat which had my papers. But, my papers weren't there. But another question hit me, Who killed this cat?

Gray couldn't have did that much damage just by falling on it.

The body twisted awkwardly, plus there were bite marks. "Well, then." Gray stretched and looked at me, "I guess whoever got the papers got them. Anyways, it's getting dark, we should be getting home."

"Nigga, it is four o'clock, the sun isn't near to being set." I snapped. "Well, I'm not sticking around here so that it turns into a Pretty Little Liar episode. Not now, not ever."

He's got a point, I hate PLL.

"You win this one, Gray. You win this one."

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