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Jewel POV

I look at the teacher as she tries to teach, but apparently, nobody listening. She needs help. She was pleading and everything. No teacher should beg to a simpleton or peasant such as these in here. I slowly stood up and glanced around the class. Eyes were on me and I didn't even say anything. "Alright class," I started off. "As long as I'm in here, everybody will listen to the teacher and respect her. Whatever she says goes and nobody better not have nothing to say, if so. Tell me." I smiled. The teacher looked at me surprised, then coughed. "Thank you... umm..."

"Jewel Lihon." I heard gasps and murmurs of my name. "Yeah I'm the one who's gonna fight Tammy after school." I pulled my earlobe gently. Most of them were ninth graders, si they really don't know who Tammy is. "Ok, time to learn in here." I sat in the front and faced the class to make sure they were paying attention...

When the announcements came on, students began talking. "Excuse me class, I can't hear the announcements."

No one can hear you. I tild her to raise her voice, take dominace over everyone. "EXCUSE ME CLASS!" she yelled. Everyone turned and looked at her. "I really can't hear the announcements, so can you please not talk." her voice got lower. I shook my head as they started talkig again. After announcements ended, they talked again. "Um," I started off. "How about this. If anybody talk during the announcements or when Miss..." I looked at name tag. "Huges, talk, I'll cut off your tongues. Better yet, I'll kill everyone in here, one by one. It is not a threat, but a promise."

Everybody shut up then. I sighed with relief when they knew I wasn't bluffing, because I don't bluff.

'Liar. Remember that time you was going to kill Drea if she talked during your presentation?' River tried to make a fool of me.

Remember I poured fish on her and pushed her in the shark tank? '...'

Exactly, learn your facts.

I looked around the room and smelled their fear. Ha! I love this smell.

Huey POV

When the bell rung, I got up and went to the front, where Ruckus was park, threating to leave all the black kids here. "I wish you would," Riley growled at Ruckus. "I'll pop the trunk on yo bitch ass."

"And let the white men track you down and kill ya."

I shook my head and looked up to see Jasmine walking towards me. "Hey Huey. Walk are you doing?" she asked.

"Lil' miss missy," Ruckus said. "Don't be talking to that boy right there. Now come up on the bus and take your seat."

Jasmine looked at him, then at me. "Come Huey." she pulled my arm, but I pulled it away from her. "I'm waiting for Jewel." I said. "What for? She probably seen a cat and chased it." Jasmine growled. I whipped my head around, "What are you trying to say?"

"I know about her, Huey. I know what she is. A werewolf." she grinned darkly at me. "And if you don't want everyone to find out, I suggest you get on the bus. NOW."

I stared at Jasmine to see if she was lying. Surely she wasn't. If everyone find out, they'll try to kill her. I can't let that happen. Jewel is the best thing that happened to me, I don't want her to die... yet. "Well," Jasmine crossed her arms. "Get on. I'm sure that mutt is on her way."

I looked back in time to see Jewel coming. Thank you!

She stepped up to me and smiled, "Fighting isn't much of my style."

I did a quick smirk and looked back at Jasmine. Her face fully red, as if she was about to explode.

"Don't hurt yourself." Jewel pushed her out the way and got on the bus. I followed behing her and sat down next to her.

Jewel contained a short body when she stood and sat down. I liked it. "What are you looking at?" she hissed. I was staring?

"Umm... I..." I couldn't get my words out. "Spit it out boy." she urged me. "I thought, I saw a bug on your face." I lied.

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "The lies you tell."

The whole bus ride was calm. Nothing was going on, but Riley's loudness. We passed by the park and I saw Tammy sitting on the swing, talking to her brother. I make eye contact with him, and gives me a chilling smile and it made my blood go cold. Jewel growled when she noticed him. The bus stopped and we got off. The four of us got off, Jasmine gave Jewel a look full of pure hatred. Jewel returned the look of a smile. "Bye Jasmine, see you tomorrow." she waved. Jasmine disappeared into her house and I looked down at Jewel. This tension is serious and now that it started, it won't stop.

I couldn't stop thinking about Tammy's brother face. His large toothy grin and dark brown eyes, glistening like he found his potential prey. It sent a dead chill up my spine and left a spot in my mind. A spot as if it was reserved for it. I always seemed to know a lot.I know nothing at the same time, and it doesn't feel right. "You alright?" I heard Jewel say. "What? Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Because you're face seemed to have turned white. You seen a ghost or something?"

I shook my head. "Just caught a glimpse of a wolf."

She laughed nervously, "You tell anyone," she continued her nervous laughter and then stopped. Her eyes got black and for a moment, she took control of my pride, "And I'll kill you myself, ok?"

I nodded my head. "But, Jasmine knows already."

"Of course she knows. Enemies are suppose to know about each other in the female world, Freeman. You just can't be spreading lies about each other."

"I guess you're right."

"Honey, I know I'm right. Now get going, I have a life to attend to."

she shooed me away.

"Wait a minute. What if she tell?"

"She won't tell if she wants to live, now would she?" a sigh escaped from her. "Freeman, I can take care of myself. Kill with no regrets is my motto."

She began to walk away to her house. I watched her, and thought about her motto. Kill with no regrets.

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