Chapter 4

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This story will basically be in your POV unless stated so

He did not just do that...
Dylan actually takes interest in me and I'm not even popular.
Am I happy about this or... I don't know! What should I chose? I think he's hella cute but his reputation.... Isn't great.
I could change him but... Ugh!
Today was Saturday. The day of Dylan's party that he wanted me to come to. I knew Clara would be there so I wasn't nervous. I mean I was but she was there to protect me. I finally sat up on my bed instead of procrastinating about life. Might as well go instead of worrying so much. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and attempted to follow a makeup tutorial on YouTube. I failed so I did my basic makeup I knew I could do. I put on my black tshirt with black leggings and out in my RAD flannel over it. I didn't even try emphasizing my curves. But where they at though? Anyways, I put on my black combat boots too. I do admit, I look pretty put together in a not put together way. Which was 'in' right now. I grabbed my phone and decided to 'break the ice' with Dylan before we met face to face. I opened snapchat;
I send a picture of me in my outfit of the night to him with caption; hi.
He responded quick; hey ;)
I laugh out loud actually; so I'm coming to the party
He send a picture of his face, smiling for the first time, I've seen; great. I've got something special. A gift...
I cringe at his words; ok. Well see you there
Him; see you there ;)
I click my phone off and shove it into my pocket. I the spray some perfume on and style my hair in a half up half down. I walk down the stairs and see my mom, on the couch napping. I made sure there were no alcohol bottles. None. I was so happy. "Mom... Mom," she finally woke up, "I need you to drive me to a friend's house." She smiles and nods. She flings the blanket from around her and grabs the car keys. I hop into the passenger side and she slowly slides into the driver side. "Mom, do you think Im pretty?" I was feeling insecure. Especially since now I knew Dylan liked me. Or did he? "Honey, I won't lie, you're beautiful. If you don't think so, you're blind." She smiles and rubs my cheeks. I smile.
Finally we arrive at his house. Lots of cars were there and I recognized one. I saw my arch nemesis, Daphne Patterns, step out of her brand new convertible. She thinks she's prefect when in reality, her dad beats her a lot. I may seem heartless, but she is wrong for judging people when she's a human stress doll. Oops. But that's why I don't judge people when I come from a broken home. Or at least I keep opinions to myself. All the hatred I have towards her all started last year;
"Back off bitch!" Daphne yelled to me, while I stood up for my used to be friend, Abby.
Daphne had called Abby a "fat pig". Which I not ok with. Abby was always thicker but super nice,funny, and pretty.
"No, dumb ass!" I shouted back. Daphne and I went back and forth until my favorite math teacher, Mrs. Callahan, broke us up. I almost broke that bitch's nose. I went to Abby, who was sobbing, and wrapped my arms around her. "Don't listen to her, you're beyond beautiful." Abby smiled. Mrs. Callahan let me explain what happened and I got off with a warning.
"Y/N! Are you deaf?" My mom snapped me out of my thoughts. "No... Just thinking. Well, I'll be on my way. Love you." "Love you too!" My mom shouted as I got out the car and ran to Clara to hug her. "Aye!" We both shouted because we both wore our RAD flannels. Of course she had on a black dress. We hugged again and then went inside, arms linked, together.
When we walked into the door, my ears almost bled. The music was so loud. Plus, people were everywhere. I felt like I was going to throw up from anxiety. "Cla-Clara. Can we leave?" I say, our arms still linked. "No! No turning back!" She started pushing past people, saying hi to people every so often until we reached Dylan's group of friends. "Dyl!" Clara yelled. Dylan turned around and ignored his friends laughing and punching his sides. "Hi!" He left his 'circle' and went in for a hug. I almost ran away but I hugged him back. He smelled so good. Like detergent and cologne. "So how's the place treatin ya?" He says to me. "G-good. I mean I just got here." I say kinda laughing. He smiled at me. "Cool. You wanna hang with me?" He asks me. Clara lets go of me. I feel venerable now. Clara answers for me, "yes she does!" She pushes me some and I bump into Dylan who grabs me a bit. "Ok." He says laughing. He puts me under his arm and takes me to his group of friends. "Hey guys," he gets all of their attention, "this is Y/N, my girl."

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