Chapter 2

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"Wake up Rinto-senpai!! Sensei is about to come!!"

I opened my eyes, and realized I was still in class and quickly sat up properly right before the teacher walked in.

Okay, maybe Lenka caring for me can end up getting me into something good, but maybe not....Like what happened yesterday.....

....And even sitting next to me at class with her head on my shoulder and cuddling my arm for the rest of the period.

"Oi, everyone's going to look at us!" I whispered at her. Lenka only rubs her eyes and says. "But I'm sleepy too...." I sigh and said. "I'm sleepy as well, but it's better than getting yelled at by the teacher! Come on."

I placed my arm around her so that she could straighten up her back. "You're nice, Rinto-senpai. That's what I also like about you...." Lenka murmured.

I turned pink, even though I didn't mean it, but....Ugh, she would make a tough wife if she actually was married to me....

When the school finished, I went to my locker to grab my books for the next period until someone just GLOMPED me and scared the daylights out of me and I was expecting it to be Lenka again, but instead....

"BOO! Did I scare you, Rinto-senpai??" Rin asked, giggling.

"Rin-chan! You sure did and you just had to do that?" I said, even though I couldn't help but laugh myself. Lenka and Rin are different. If Lenka scared me, I would've ended up mad at her for a week, but Rin did it and I'm not mad and I'm just....Normal. But that's because Lenka is now more like a best friend and Rin is just a friend and a crush.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask if you were free today." Rin said happily. "....To hang out at Tako Luka Buffet! Remember? I really miss hanging out with Senpai!"

I turned bright red and said. "S-sure!--" When I have the chance to sneak out of school without Lenka stalking me or walking with me back home as she always does.-- "What time?"

"Just around 4 at school! I can't wait to try those yummy sushi! And that dish that people said that it could make your body good for a swimwear!" She said. "My uncle works there so he said I could have it for free with you! And besides, someone's holding their baby's birthday party there and the food can't go into a waste!"

I nodded

I laughed at her excitement (as I looked around for Lenka) and ruffled her hair trying my best to sound like a cool guy. "Well, see you there!" I said. Rin giggled and ran off. I did the same, before Lenka could find me.


When I got to the buffet, I saw Rin in a cute dress that made my heart jump. The pink colour of her dress makes her innocence appear....And my face the same colour!! I wish I wore a better set of clothes instead of a pair of pants, singlet and a bape varsity jacket....

Then she saw me, and ran over to me and said. "Rinto-senpai! You made it!!" Without Lenka-chan following me, yes I made it. I thought.

"Well, everyone here looks so busy preparing a party...." I said looking at these women and men gathering decorations and talking to a guy who looked like Rin's uncle. "Hey, where's the birthday kid?"

Rin gasped and said. "I almost forgot! He's right there on his crib! See?" I followed Rin and she stood next to a crib with a smile. Once I looked, I realized why she was smiling so happily.

"Hey little guy." I said poking it's chubby, balloon-like cheeks. The little kid just yawns and starts to make gurgle sounds. I could see two buck-teeths appearing on his bottom jaw. Babies do grow up fast. I can hardly imagine myself that small just before sixteen years....

"I wish MY child was cute like him...." Rin said putting her finger into the kid's hand which tightened, holding onto her finger and smiling. When we realized what Rin just said (as she standing next to me) we both turned red and quickly turned our backs to each other. "Um....I think the party is starting now! Er-Let's go and eat!!" Rin said.

"Um, Yeah! Let's go!." I say and realized I was doing that dumb smile.

We both grabbed a tray and tried not to give eye contact until I had the guts and asked. "So, what your favourite food?" Rin shuffled and said. "Anything, but mostly it's anything that has to do with desserts or bakery like doughnut or cakes....But I really love Sushi and seafood....What about you?"

"Pizzas, burgers....Somethin' like that." I said.

"That's what all the boys eat!" Rin said. I laughed at her and said. "And that's what all girls eat--cakes and sugary things. No wonder they're so plump."

"What!?" Rin yelled punching my arm as I tried to block. "I was only joking, haha!" I said.

When we picked our food and sat down, I was pretty happy to be with my cute Rin-chan and being on a (sort of) date with her on a buffet....I won't ever forget this about my life. At least I'm not one of those guys who suffer from this thing from "friendzone" which is when your crush treats you only as a friend.

"This cake is so yummy!" Rin squeaked from the sugary-ness. "Here, try some senpai!" She cuts a piece and held out, so I opened my eyes and took a bite. "This is kinda nice. What type of cake is this? Is really almost like meringue..."

"It's a pavlova cake! It's sugary like cotton candy with icings!!" Rin said eating the rest. "I'll try this hall cake too!"

I laughed and said. "You even know what type of cake it is." Rin turned bright pink, which made me feel kinda happy because I like to make Rin blush, laugh or smile, since it makes me....Seem cool.

"I'm full." I said. Rin patted my tummy and said. "I can see that, because you look a bit pregnant...."

"Hey!" I said, as Rin bursted into laughter. "But you do! I wonder if it's a boy?"

"Well let's see if you are!" I said tickling her stomach, as she giggled uncontrollably. "Stop! I'm ticklish on the stomach!" She said.

I finally stopped in time when they announced to sing the birthday song for the little kid. "I'm going to tickle you too after this!" Rin said. I only laugh at her, looking down at her to remind her that I was like a head and a ⅔ taller than her, saying. "Try."

The kid was seated onto a those high chairs for babies and everyone began to sing the song as they brought in the big cake. That kid's mother was brought into tears with the rest of the other women--including Rin, but except the men like me.

When the candle was blown out (with the help of the parents) the cake was cutten and shared around. The ones that were enjoying the cakes were the kid and Rin--the two sweet tooths. But I had to say, it was the most delish cake I ever had because it was so moist and smooth and chewy like brownie.

It became night, and when everyone was gone, Rin hugged me and said. "Thank you for coming, Senpai! You must be tired and full from all this, you should go home and have a big rest so you won't end up sleeping again in class."

Laughing at her joke again, I ruffled her head and said. "No, I should thank you. This must be the bestest buffet around this town, because there was so many people here! It was a great idea to bring their kid to here with so many people who're happy to join in and such. That kid's sure lucky as."

Once I came back home, I sighed dreamily (and doing that dumb smile) while sitting down at the couch while hugging a cushion like if it was Rin.

Hey, that actually makes me think. I have a crush on Rin and Lenka has a crush on me, but I wonder how it feels like for Lenka since I don't take interest in her and she already knows, but I like Rin and she doesn't know and she takes interest in me, but if it went the other like....I liked Rin but she knew and she didn't take interest in me while Lenka is....I don't know, like Rin? But if that happened.....Actually, I don't know at all. This is just confusing....


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