Chapter 2

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(Hi guys! I hope your liking the story so far! This is my first story so I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment what you think)

Thomas POV

I have no idea what the actual hell is going on. Where am I? I don't know. Everything is so strange and green and there's these walls around us and I remember nothing. Alby, I think that was his name, he told me some things whilst I was freaking out. This place is called the glade, I was in the box??? I'm called a greenie for some reason and I have lots of boys surrounding me.

I follow Newt as he shows me around the glade, he's really nice.
"So here's the homestead, and over there is the council hall and there is the box" he says whilst pointing in various directions.
"Do, uh, why don't I remember anything?" I ask and he turns to face me. His brown eyes look into mine and I can't help but feel a small feeling of almost butterflys in my stomach, wait what?

"We all don't remember anything it's normal, you remember your name which is good" he says whilst nodding.
"So what do we do now?" I ask and he looks up to the sky.
"Well dinner should be soon so I guess we should head over to the bonfire"
"Yeah, for dinner we like to sometimes make bonfires to make us feel better"
"Feel better?"
"Sometimes being trapped can really get to you"
I look over at him to see that he was looking down at the floor. He looked at me quickly and I saw that his eyes were watery, was he..crying?
I try to comfort him by placing my hand on his shoulder but as soon as I do that he flinches away.

"I-I'm sorry, I just, I don't like being, touched" he whispered the last part and I took a small step back. I'm pretty sure that I have never seen anyone look so sad.

"Uh, let's go to the bloody bonfire shall we" he said looking up at me and I nodded and followed behind him. As we were walking I noticed that he has a limp. What happened? I wondered to myself. I'm not going to ask him since I'm sure that he probably won't want to talk about it.

We reached the bonfire and noticed that there were more boys here than I thought. Each had their own job and place within the glade and I think that it's pretty cool.

"Hey shank, how's the greenie?" I here someone yell.
"Tommy, this is Minho" Newt says and Minho extends a hand for me to shake.

Tommy, I like that.

"We'll then Tommy-" Minho was interrupted by Newt.
"Only I call him Tommy you shank, you call him Thomas"
"Oh ok then, Thomas, how ya finding things"
I was a bit surprised by Newts comment but decided to not question it.
"Um, ok I guess. I can't remember anything and I was thrown into a random place that I know nothing about" I reply.
"Good that" says Minho with a smirk.

"Uh, I've just gotta go get something" Newt says and I can tell that something is not right. He quickly walks away into the Forrest area and I can see that Minho is looking at him worriedly.

I decide to go take a seat next to a big rock to try and clear my head.

I don't know where I am, SOMEONE HELP ME!
"Hello! My name is Chuck and I'm here to help ya!" I jump at the sudden burst of words and to see a boy, no older than around 13, standing next to me, his brown crazy curls bouncing as he spoke.
"Hi, I'm Thomas" I say awkwardly and shake his outstretched hand.
"I know this is weird but I just thought that you could use a friend and to be honest, so could I" he says looking at me hopefully.
"Yeah of course I'll be your friend" I say and he smiles.

"So, what can you tell me about this place?" I ask and Chuck took in a big breath.
"Well, I'm not allowed to say anything about the greavers or the maze or the...wait, oh shuck" Chuck stopped talking and I looked at him with a 'are you serious' look.
"I guess you should just wait for Minho or Alby to explain all that" he says and I just sigh.

"Do you know where Newt went?" I ask looking around for the blond haired cutie. What no Thomas stop.
"Sometimes he just, goes. I mean he is sometimes not here, I don't think anyone knows where he goes" Chuck replies, shoving a piece of bread into his mouth.
"Is he ok? I mean, he seemed a bit on edge before"
"Newt is always on edge, he thinks that we can't see through his smile but me and Minho can, well Minho can, he just tells me sometimes"
"What's wrong with him? Why is he like that?"
"Who knows. All I do know us that he doesn't like to be touched and freaks out whenever Gally is near him"

I take in all the information and start to feel a little but worried for Newt. I hope that he's ok and why does he freak out whenever Gally is near him? Does he hurt him?

"Gally is a bit of a shank so I suggest you don't get in his bad side" Chuck says with a sigh and I just nod.

All these questions make me want to find Newt so I get up to go find him.

A little bit of hope (Newtmas fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant