Chapter 8

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Thomas POV:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. His torso was covered in big bruises, cuts and red marks.

I softly ran my fingers over one of the bruises. Newt closed his eyes, slightly trembling.

"Please, Newt, don't be scared ok. I won't hurt you" I whisper to him. He slowly nods but keeps his eyes closed.

I take in what I can see. A beautiful boy, someone who's so gentle, kind, sweet and precious, covered in bruises and cuts from being abused.

Newt slowly opened his eyes. He looks down at his chest and sighs, looking back up at me.

"Most of t-this is f-from last night" he whispered, touching his bruised ribs.
"Last night?"
"Yeah, last night"
"How doesn't anyone hear you? Do you call out for help?"
"I can't. S-sometimes he gags m-me. But other times he j-just does it when e-everyone's asleep"
"But they must hear you yell"
"I'm not allowed to make any noise or else I get h-hurt more"

I can't believe this. I can not believe this.

"Does Minho know?"
"Only that he h-hits me, not that he-" he stopped himself.
"That he rapes you" I finished for him and he nodded.
"I'm so sorry that he does that, you don't deserve it. You deserve so much better Newt. You are such a beautiful, gentle person and I don't understand how anyone can hurt you. I'm so so sorry" I look into his eyes and he looks into mine.

"It's not your fault Tommy" he says back and I just shake my head.
"I just don't understand why he does it"
"Gally, he's n-never liked me. Ever since he came up in the box he just always hated me. One day he c-came over and asked if I was gay. I didn't want to answer so he hit me. Then it just happened all the time. I think he just assumed I was gay. He said that b-because I was gay I must 'like to be fucked up the ass'. I kept saying no but one day h-he dragged me to his tent and did it, then it just kept happening. He threatened to kill me and others if I told anyone so I can't say anything"

I just starred back at him.

"Newt, why haven't you told anyone?"
"I told you! He threatened to kill people, Tommy he will do it"
"But if you-"
"Tommy I can't risk anyone getting hurt, it doesn't matter about me. I don't care about myself anymore"

That was the last thing I needed, I snapped.

"I'm gonna kill him"
"Tommy no ple-"
"Newt this is not ok" I said gesturing to his bruised chest. "And the fact that you have given up in yourself, I can't have that"
"Tommy, I don't care about myself, it's ok"
I had to fight every bit of myself to not grab him and just hug him, kiss him. I didn't want to freak him out.

"You deserve so much better"
"All I want is for no one to get hurt"
"But you're getting hurt"
Newt sat in silence, running his fingers over a cut and bruise on his arm.
"I know"

I handed him back his shirt and helped him slowly put it on. After various groans and small yelps of pain we finally had him fully dressed.
"Um, also Gally mentioned that you, uh, I mean that he said-he told me how you got your, your limp" I said.

Newts head snapped over to look at me, his eyes wide with fear.
"He what?!" He whispered, his voice slightly cracking.
"He told me that-"
"That I tried to kill myself? That I'm so weak and pathetic that I tried to jump off the bloody walls?"
"Newt you're not pathetic or weak, you're so strong, you have no idea-"
"Tommy this is a lot for me to take in right now so please j-just give m-me a second to-"
He was full on sobbing again. His body was trembling with every sob.
"Can I just please give you a hug?" I couldn't just watch him like that.
He gave a small nod and I lent over and hugged him tightly.

I wrapped my arms around him and he cried into my shoulder. I could feel him struggling to take in breaths, so I slowly let go, but he pulled me back into a hug.
"J-just hug me, p-please" he whispered, the pain clear in his voice.

After a minute he let go and tried to while his eyes. They were all red and puffy, his hair was a mess and his cheeks were flushed. He looked so tired.

The want to lean over and kiss him was slowly driving me crazy, I wanted him so badly.
"Newt, can I-" I don't know if this is the right thing to do. Am I going to fast?

"W-what?" He sniffled and looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Newt, can I kiss you?"
He sat there, shocked and trembling. His eyes started to water again and his bottom lip was shaking.
"T-Tommy, w-what?"
"Newt can I kiss you?" I repeated softly, slightly leaning towards him. He lent back the smallest amount and looked me in the eyes.

"I d-don't k-kn-know" he whispered shakily.
"I won't hurt you I promise." I whispered, leaning in towards him slowly.
His eyes darted to my lips then back to my eyes. Fear had filled his eyes. He really thought that I was going to hurt him.

Slowly I put my hand under his chin, causing his to tremble more but I needed him to know that I will not hurt him.

I lean in slowly and connect my lips to his trembling ones.

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